You can do this from backing bean. 
Give a control from that jsf to backing bean, through hidden field. 
In backing bean, you can add code some thing like this. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Anton Gavazuk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, December 05, 2008 3:52 AM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: How to redirect page in JSF

I dont understand you problem,

what are you expecting?

redirect in jSF could be done for example in navigation rules in faces
config file.

> Hi all,
> I am new to JSF.
>            I am facing one problem of url redirecting.
> i.e.  if user enters url like this
>                      http://myserver/project1/viewers/ then he/she 
> redirected to default page 
> http://myserver/project1/viewers/viewersHome.html page.
> note : all my pages are in xhtml
> thanks in advance
> Vj++
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