Hi Lucas,

Yes, I suggest you file a JIRA with your use case.


Lucas Satabin wrote:
Hi Zee-wah

Thanks for the answer. It is also what I thought. I can not however not
change the pattern because it is a part of a file name I receive that I
must test. Should I open a ticket for this bug? As a workaround I
disabled the client validation and I do not have any problem anymore,
but I do not have the client message anymore :(


Zee-wah Lee a écrit :
Hi Lucas,

I was able to reproduce this. The problem is in the client datetime
converter, which assumes that years occupy 4 digits.
function _subparse (..)
     case 'y': // year
       var year = _accumulateNumber(parseContext, 4);

So, it parses a string like "981122"  and gets year=9811, then runs
out of digits for the month and day. This hasn't been a more common
problem because there is usually a separator ('/' in en_us), so when
the parse encounters the separator char, it doesn't try to consume
more characters. In the en_us case, after it parses out year=98, it
will fix it to 1998 in _fix2DYear.

I'm not familiar with the history of "shortish" in the converter, it
may be why the client code assumes 4 characters for years. Tag doc

   The default dateStyle is |shortish|. Shortish is identical to
   |short| but forces the year to be a full four digits. |dateStyle|
   defaults to |shortish| if it was not set.

If anyone knows if there is a limitation on date time converter
regarding 2 digit years, please chime in. Otherwise, this sounds like
a bug (workaround: use 4 digit years or separator char).


Lucas Satabin wrote:
Hello everybody,

I am trying to convert an input into a date using Trinidad.
<tr:inputDate rendered="#{col.date}"
    <tr:convertDateTime pattern="#{col.pattern}" />

It works fine for almost each pattern. I am however facing some
problems when the pattern becomes "yyMMdd"
In this case, as long as the client validation is allowed. I do not
have this problem anymore if I disable the client validation with


With the client validation enabled, the value is never committed as
far as the validation fails. It prints : valid example: 981122
Obviously this example value does not work either. Is this problem
known? I searched for this but did not find anything.

Thanks in advance

Ingénieur diplômé ENSEEIHT (Informatique) Lucas Satabin

FlexSecure GmbH
Industriestr. 12
D-64297 Darmstadt
Tel.: +49 (0) 6151 501 23-15
Fax.: +49 (0) 6151 501 23-19
E-mail:    sata...@flexsecure.de <mailto:sata...@flexsecure.de>
Internet:    www.flexsecure.de <http://www.flexsecure.de>

Erwin Stallenberger, Markus Ruppert

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