I had added spring security code in my workspace for debugging reasons and I 
suspected that how can a new page be shown when the URL passed to the filter at 
the server is old. So I put a dummy filter in front of spring security just to 
print out the URL that is getting intercepted by spring security filter chain.

So now I find that when a JSF forward happens via NavigationHandler then there 
is no URL that is actually intercepted by the spring filter. What I saw during 
debugging was not the correct picture.

SO I am back at the same problem. The filter for JSF forwards is not getting 
invoked at all.


From: Madhav Bhargava 
>Yes, I have made the appropriate configuration for spring security filters so 
>that specially in the case that >you have described below this property will 
>make sure that the authentication is done again.
>However I do not think that it has anything to do with a stale URL being 
>passed to the filter at the server >side. I can understand that the browser 
>will have an old URL but at the server side the URL intercepted by the >filter 
>should not be stale. Moreover the control is being forwarded to the correct 
>page and the page is visible >as well so do not know how can a old ULR be 
>passed at the server side and a new page be displayed at the client >side.
>From: Michael Kurz [mailto:michi.k...@gmx.at] 
>Hm, I thought the same first but he has attribute once-per-request set 
>to false:
><security:http once-per-request="false"...>
>- Michael
>Jakob Korherr schrieb:
> Hi Madhav,
> I now know what the problem is. I wrote a small test webapp and came to the
> following conclusion:
> JSF uses RequestDispatcher.forward(..) to render the second view. Thus the
> filter should be invoked for the forward. However, the filter is/was already
> invoked for the first request and it cannot be invoked twice for one
> request.
> Only for test reasons, remove <dispatcher>REQUEST</dispatcher> from your
> filter config in the web.xml and the filter will be invoked for
> RequestDispatcher.forward(..), because it was not invoked for the original
> request.
> I know this does not solve your problem, but I think there is maybe a
> workaround for this.. I myself just don't know one..
> Maybe define the filter twice would solve the problem, but that's just a
> guess.
> Regards,
> Jakob
> 2010/1/12 Madhav Bhargava <madhav_bharg...@infosys.com>
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Michael Kurz [mailto:michi.k...@gmx.at]
>>> Madhav Bhargava schrieb:
>>> To add if you see the spring security application config, I have the
>> following set:
>>> <security:http>
>>>               <security:intercept-url pattern="/**/secure/**"
>> access="ROLE_USER" />
>>>               <security:intercept-url pattern="/**/operations/**"
>> access="ROLE_OPERATIONS"/>
>>> </security:http>
>>> The URL for the outcome to be forwarded to matches the second interceptor
>> pattern which is "/jsp/operations/user/operationsLanding.iface"
>>> However what the filter receives is "/jsp/secure/hprelanding.jspx" which
>> is the old URL from where the control is being forwarded. This is not how it
>> happens when using jsp:forward.
>>> For clarification: Is the navigation to the new page
>>> operationsLanding.iface performed (do you actually see it in the browser)?
>>> - Michael
>> Yes,the request is properly forwarded to operationsLanding.jspx and I can
>> view the page. I had put a breakpoint in one of the spring security classes
>> and I could see the old URL which got successfully mapped against pattern
>> /**/secure/** which should not have happened.
>> If I have a normal JSP application where there is no JSF then it works
>> fine. I meant the navigation is not handled by JSF.
>> Regards,
>> Madhav

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