Hi Jozef,

Have a look at this



Erik Govaers
Boomgaardstraat 22 | 2600 Antwerpen
Tel.: 03 240 56 72

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Jozef Dropco [mailto:jozef.dro...@gmail.com]
Verzonden: donderdag 22 april 2010 12:21
Aan: MyFaces Discussion
Onderwerp: Re: [Trinidad]ChartDrillDownListener

Sorry Erik, my fault I didnt copy/paste code but write it instead. this is 
exactly code which I have

public class FacilityOverviewBean implements Serializable{

  public FacilityOverviewBean() {

    public ChartModel getHistory() {
       List<String> group = new ArrayList<String>();
       List<String> series = new ArrayList<String>();
       ArrayList<List<Double>> values = new ArrayList<List<Double>>();
       for (Pricepolicy policy : facility.getPricepolicies()) {
       ChartModel chart = new ChartModel();
       try {
          chart.prepareChart(group, series, null, values);
       } catch (ISException ex) {

null, ex);
          return null;
       return chart;

  public void drillDown(ChartDrillDownEvent event) {

webpage contains this
<tr:chart type="line" value="#{facilityOverview.history}"

The chart displays correctly but the listener does not work :(

On 22.4.2010 12:11, GOVAERS Erik wrote:
> Hi Jozef,
> Does the name of your managed bean class begin with capital 'F' (cf. 
> FacilityOverviewBean in config)?
> Erik
> Erik Govaers
> Boomgaardstraat 22 | 2600 Antwerpen
> Tel.: 03 240 56 72
> erik.gova...@welzijn.provant.be
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: Jozef Dropco [mailto:jozef.dro...@gmail.com]
> Verzonden: donderdag 22 april 2010 11:50
> Aan: MyFaces Discussion
> Onderwerp: [Trinidad]ChartDrillDownListener
> I have following problem that I cant solve. I get strange exception.
> Caused by: javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: /manager/overview.xhtml
> @197,147 chartDrillDownListener="#{facilityOverview.drillDown}":
> Property 'drillDown' not found on type
> beans.overview.FacilityOverviewBean
> but in facilityOverviewBean I have it.
> faces-config.xml
> <managed-bean>
> <managed-bean-name>facilityOverview</managed-bean-name>
> <managed-bean-class>beans.overview.FacilityOverviewBean</managed-bean-
> class> <managed-bean-scope>session</managed-bean-scope>
> </managed-bean>
> facilityoverviewBean
> public class facilityoverviewBean implements Serializable{ ...
> public void drillDown(ChartDrillDownEvent event) {
>         System.out.println(event.getSource());
>      }
> ...
> }
> configuration: trinidad 1.2.13, JSF1.2, tomcat
> Whats wrong? Please help.
> Jozef
> Disclaimer: Op deze e-mail is de wet van 13 juni 2005 over het vertrouwelijke 
> karakter van elektronische communicatie van toepassing. De tekst van het 
> betrokken artikel kun je op onze website consulteren.
> http://www.provant.be/provant_disclaimer.jsp

Disclaimer: Op deze e-mail is de wet van 13 juni 2005 over het vertrouwelijke 
karakter van elektronische communicatie van toepassing. De tekst van het 
betrokken artikel kun je op onze website consulteren. 

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