
thx for committing it to the sandbox.
i reused some parts of it and combined it with my suggestion.

as mentioned by rudy - esp. for extval-constraints it's better to use
component initializers.
however, the bv module is a bit different. it's also possible to
use component initializers, however, you would have to care about a lot of
>currently< the bv module doesn't expose a lot. in comparison to the core
and the property-validation module it isn't that easy to expose useful utils
which provide all bv-mechanisms and additional extval/bv features.
at least for the first version of the bv-module the intention was to expose
only few api's and utils.
so we have time to think e.g. about useful utils which are aware of all

i'll commit the add-on quite soon!



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2010/4/28 Rudy De Busscher <rdebussc...@gmail.com>

> Tom,
> I quickly assembled the add-on I was thinking about a few months ago.  You
> can find it here (1)
> If you check out the code and do a mvn install in the requiredLabel
> directory, the add-on is locally available.
> You then can use it in your project by including following dependency in
> your POM.
>        <dependency>
>            <groupId>sandbox890.extensions.validator.addon</groupId>
>            <artifactId>required-label</artifactId>
>            <version>1.2.3-SNAPSHOT</version>
>        </dependency>
> It summarizes the discussions we had here how you could implement the
> requirement of showing a marker.  I did a quick test with the @Required
> annotation and it works as expected.  The Bean validation annotations
> should
> also work.
> (1) http://sandbox890.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/addons
> regards
> Rudy.
> On 28 April 2010 00:55, Gerhard Petracek <gerhard.petra...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > hi tom,
> >
> > some additions:
> >
> > first of all: thx for your questions. such questions allow us to improve
> > the
> > documentation!
> > (+ usually there is a simple solution provided by extval and you don't
> have
> > to care about such extval internals.)
> >
> > @renderer interceptors:
> > the concept allows extval to do all the magic it offers. however, usually
> > it's an internal concept.
> > you just need it e.g. for add-ons (the label support you would like to
> > implement is such an add-on)
> >
> > *...@meta-data transformers*
> > if you have custom constraints, you normally impl. a meta-data
> transformer
> > for each annotation you would like to use for component initialization.
> > *and that's it.*
> > *
> > *
> > *(in case of bv it's a bit more difficult - e.g.: you have to care about
> > group validation, composite constraints,...).*
> > *
> > *
> > you can transform information provided by concrete meta-data to a generic
> > representation.
> > e.g. @Size (bv) and @Length (extval) provide the same information. so you
> > just have to impl. a transformer e.g. for @Size which extracts the
> > information.
> > as soon as you forward the extracted information to extval, the framework
> > does the rest (if it knows how to handle the provided information). so
> you
> > don't have to care about all the other details and internals.
> >
> > @component initialization (i just use trinidad as concrete example):
> > you just have to impl. a component initializer e.g. for your component
> lib
> > if
> >  - you have (input) components which provide special features and the
> > components aren't supported by extval (or an extval-add-on).
> >  - you have a new type of meta-data (e.g. if you would like to add a
> > client-side validator for validating @EMail)
> >
> > e.g. trinidad offers client-side validation. so the optional trinidad
> > module
> > of extval uses the information provided by the transformers to add
> > client-side validators and to set properties of the trinidad components.
> so
> > trinidad isn't aware of extal. it just gets plain (initialized) trinidad
> > components. the trinidad support module isn't aware of a concrete
> > annotation
> > like @Length - it just knows that there is a generic representation to
> > express e.g. min and max length (independent of the used constraint). ->
> > you
> > get client-side validation based on constraints and support modules like
> > the
> > trinidad module aren't aware of the concrete annotations. so you can
> impl.
> > your custom constraints or use bv constraints,... - as soon as you
> > transform
> > the provided information to a known (generic) format, extval is able to
> use
> > the information to prepare the components for the rendering process.
> > (+ there are further possibilities which depend on the concrete
> > company/projects.)
> >
> > @your suggestion:
> > as you see - you don't have to use all mechanisms provided by extval -
> your
> > impl. also works. the only downside is that you have to support features
> > like group validation, composite constraints, validation payload,... on
> > your
> > own (+ the impl. depends on a bv constraint - so we can't use it as
> generic
> > add-on).
> >
> > if you impl. it based on my example (just without trinidad), you could
> > reuse
> > all features provided by extval and you don't have to care about
> mechanisms
> > like group-validation,... - you can delegate such tasks to extval.
> >
> > additional hint:
> > the trinidad support module autom. activates initialization of the
> required
> > attribute [1] (by default initialization of the required attribute is
> > deactivated) -> if you use my suggestion without trinidad, you also have
> to
> > activate the initialization of the required attribute in the startup
> > listener.
> >
> > regards,
> > gerhard
> >
> > [1]
> >
> >
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/myfaces/extensions/validator/trunk/component-support/trinidad-support/src/main/java/org/apache/myfaces/extensions/validator/trinidad/startup/TrinidadModuleStartupListener.java
> >
> > http://www.irian.at
> >
> > Your JSF powerhouse -
> > JSF Consulting, Development and
> > Courses in English and German
> >
> > Professional Support for Apache MyFaces
> >
> >
> >
> > 2010/4/27 Rudy De Busscher <rdebussc...@gmail.com>
> >
> > > Hi Tom,
> > >
> > > a little more explanation of the *"... and do the component
> > initialization
> > > of this EditableValueHolder"* .
> > >
> > > When you have an outputLabel in the RendererInterceptor, the
> > > EditableValueHolder that goes with it, (the component referenced in the
> > for
> > > attribute) isn't initialized by ExtVal yet.  So if you ask the Required
> > > attribute of it, it will return false, no matter what annotations there
> > are
> > > placed on the property in the backing bean. (except of course when you
> > have
> > > set the required attribute in the screen).
> > >
> > > So if you want to know if the input field is required at that time you
> > must
> > > analyze the annotations.  The method
> > > ExtValUtils.configureComponentWithMetaData() does just that so you can
> > look
> > > at the required property of the UIInput after the method executed.
> > >
> > > Why RendererInterceptor and component initialization ??
> > > Well the  RendererInterceptor has more functionality then just
> > intercepting
> > > the rendering of the component.  It adds extra functionality for encode
> > and
> > > decode.  So the component initializer is made to add information from
> the
> > > annotations to the UIComponent just before rendering.  But the
> > interceptor
> > > is also responsible for coordination of the validation after a decode
> is
> > > done.
> > >
> > > In your case, a label has nothing to decode so there is no need to have
> > > this
> > > separation.
> > >
> > > Hopes this clarifies a bit.
> > >
> > > regards
> > > Rudy.
> > >
> > > On 27 April 2010 21:25, Tom M. <mynewsgro...@arcor.de> wrote:
> > >
> > > > Hi Gerhard,
> > > >
> > > > what I had already used before asking in the mailing list was:
> > > > - ExtVal Core
> > > > - BeanValidation (using JSR-303 annotations)
> > > > - PropertyValidation (using basic code for custom cross validation
> > > > annotation and provided out-of-the-box annotations such as
> @RequiredIf)
> > > > - I did not want to use Trinidad since other component libraries are
> to
> > > be
> > > > used in the project.
> > > > - I have absolutely no validation code in the html templates (no
> > > validator
> > > > tags, no required attribute, nothing of that at all), only using
> > > > annotations
> > > > and in consequence separating page structure/layout from validation
> > rules
> > > > in
> > > > the domain objects (also founded in the organization of the
> development
> > > > teams).
> > > >
> > > > This combination works perfect so far: validating the data according
> to
> > > the
> > > > annotations, transforming messages und even generating a html
> maxlength
> > > > attribute for @Size.max (nice!).
> > > >
> > > > Since I found it quite hard to understand how ExtVal is working in
> > detail
> > > > (even with your hints and links stated), I found a very simple
> solution
> > > > that
> > > > is working for me:
> > > > - I asked myself why do I need a renderer interceptor AND a component
> > > > initializer? From my point of view adding the '*' to the label text
> is
> > > more
> > > > a question of rendering the label's text. And I could not figure out
> > what
> > > > Rudy meant with "... and do the component initialization of this
> > > > EditableValueHolder" or what to do since I want to change the label
> not
> > > the
> > > > input component.
> > > > - By obmitting the component initializer, there is no need for meta
> > data
> > > > and
> > > > a transformer...
> > > > - I used some code I found in ExtVal classes, especially from
> > > ExtValUtils.
> > > >
> > > > So this is my simple (non standard?) solution which works for the
> > > @NotNull
> > > > annotation:
> > > >
> > > >   public class RequiredLabelRendererInterceptor extends
> > > > AbstractRendererInterceptor {
> > > >
> > > >        public static final String REQUIRED_SYMBOL = "*";
> > > >
> > > >        @Override
> > > >        public void beforeEncodeBegin(FacesContext facesContext,
> > > UIComponent
> > > > uiComponent, Renderer wrapped) throws IOException {
> > > >
> > > >                if (uiComponent instanceof HtmlOutputLabel) {
> > > >
> > > >                        HtmlOutputLabel labelComp = (HtmlOutputLabel)
> > > > uiComponent;
> > > >                        UIComponent inputComp = ...; // find by label
> > > > attribute 'for'
> > > >
> > > >                        MetaDataExtractor extractor =
> > > > createMetaDataExtractor();
> > > >                        for (MetaDataEntry entry :
> > > > extractor.extract(facesContext, inputComp).getMetaDataEntries()) {
> > > >
> > > checkAndHandleRequiredAttribute(labelComp,
> > > > entry.getKey());
> > > >                        }
> > > >                }
> > > >        }
> > > >
> > > >        private MetaDataExtractor createMetaDataExtractor() {
> > > >                return ExtValContext.getContext().getFactoryFinder()
> > > >
> > > > ComponentMetaDataExtractorFactory.class)
> > > >                        .create();
> > > >        }
> > > >
> > > >        private void checkAndHandleRequiredAttribute(HtmlOutputLabel
> > > > labelComp, String key) {
> > > >
> > > >                if (NotNull.class.getName().equals(key)) {
> > > >                        String label = (String) labelComp.getValue();
> > > >                        if (!label.startsWith(REQUIRED_SYMBOL)) {
> > > >
> > > > labelComp.setValue(REQUIRED_SYMBOL+labelComp.getValue());
> > > >                         }
> > > >                 }
> > > >        }
> > > >   }
> > > >
> > > > A question to:
> > > > >> e.g.: instead of using coreOutputLabel at:
> > > > >>  ExtValUtils.configureComponentWithMetaData(facesContext,
> > > > >> coreOutputLabel, metaDataResult); you could use the
> targetComponent
> > > > >> (= the input component). after this call you can check if the
> > > > >> targetComponent is required.
> > > >
> > > > Does that mean after configuring the component's attribute 'required'
> > > would
> > > > be set? I didn't try that. Is there really a need for the component
> > > > initialize and initiating the call via
> > > > ExtValUtils.configureComponentWithMetaData()?
> > > >
> > > > For my already mentioned @RequiredExactlyOneOf cross validation
> > > annotation
> > > > (which works fine regarding validation), I managed to render all
> labels
> > > > belonging to the specified attributes via the renderer interceptor.
> But
> > > > this
> > > > only works if the annotation is defined at the attribute that occurs
> > > first
> > > > in the html in order to manipulate the labels that are rendered later
> > on.
> > > > Possibly there would be a better solution to avoid this tight
> coupling
> > by
> > > > really using ExtVal's infrastructure!?
> > > >
> > > > Tom
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > > -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> > > > > Von: Gerhard Petracek [mailto:gerhard.petra...@gmail.com]
> > > > > Gesendet: Dienstag, 27. April 2010 00:45
> > > > > An: MyFaces Discussion
> > > > > Betreff: Re: ExtVal: Rendering component with visual indication for
> > > > > required fields
> > > > >
> > > > > hi thomas,
> > > > >
> > > > > basically you have 3 possibilities with extval:
> > > > >  - use simple but dynamic validation, jpa based validation and
> > > > > cross-validation -> use extval-core + extval-property-validation (+
> > > > > your
> > > > > custom constraints)
> > > > >  - use bean-validation + some advanced extval mechanisms for it ->
> > use
> > > > > extval-core + extval-bean-validation + an impl. of bv (+ custom
> > > > > bv-constraints)
> > > > >  - create your own validation module(s)/concepts -> use extval-core
> +
> > > > > your
> > > > > own mechanisms on top of it
> > > > >
> > > > > for sure you can combine all modules. you just have to take care
> that
> > > > > you
> > > > > don't mix different types of constraints and their concepts (esp.
> in
> > > > > combination with extval add-ons). however, i would suggest that you
> > > > > just use
> > > > > one validation-module of extval. and as soon as you are using it
> for
> > a
> > > > > real
> > > > > app, you should also think about tweaking it (e.g. see [1])
> > > > >
> > > > > two (simple) sample setups for extval + bv are available at [2] and
> > > > > [3].
> > > > > a nice intro is available at [4].
> > > > >
> > > > > regards,
> > > > > gerhard
> > > > >
> > > > > [1]
> > > http://wiki.apache.org/myfaces/Extensions/Validator/JSR303/Advanced
> > > > > [2]
> > > > >
> > >
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/myfaces/extensions/validator/trunk/exa
> > > > > mples/hello_bean-validation/
> > > > > [3]
> > > > >
> > >
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/myfaces/extensions/validator/trunk/exa
> > > > > mples/feature-set_02/
> > > > > [4]
> > > > >
> > http://people.apache.org/~gpetracek/myfaces/extval/extval_chapter.html<
> http://people.apache.org/%7Egpetracek/myfaces/extval/extval_chapter.html>
> > > <
> > http://people.apache.org/%7Egpetracek/myfaces/extval/extval_chapter.html
> >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

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