Hi Folks,

I observe a strange exception by that appears inside of the
BeanValidatorWrapper in a very specific scenario. Here is how it goes:

I use PrimeFaces 2.0.2 running on Mojarra JSF and using ExtVal for Bean
Validation (especially to support @Valid). It works perfect, except for
one case. If I open a popup (p:dialog) and use a link (p:commandButton)
which submits a form which contains a f:validateBean tag setting a Bean
Validation group - an exception is thrown during an attempt to access an
non-existent default constructor in BeanValidatorWrapper. If I remove
the f:validateBean tag, everything works fine, and if I use it not from
the popup too. Here is the VDL:

        <p:dialog widgetVar="PopupDialog" fixedCenter="true"
header="Customer Search" modal="true" close="false">
            <h:form id="PopupDialogForm" prependId="false">
                <h:messages globalOnly="true" errorClass="error"
fatalClass="fatal" infoClass="info" warnClass="warn" />
                <p:panel header="Customer Search">
                    <h:panelGrid columns="1">
                        <h:panelGrid columns="2">
                            <h:outputLabel for="name" value="Name:" />
                            <h:inputText id="name"
value="#{searchController.search.name}" label="#{msgs.label}">
validationGroups="de.techjava.web.popup.validation.SearchGroup" />
                        <h:message for="name" id="name_msg" />
                        <p:commandButton value="Search"
action="#{searchController.doSearch}" onsuccess="if (args) { var isValid
= args.isValid; if (isValid) { PopupDialog.hide();}}"                
            update="@form" process="@form" />
                <p:panel header="Customer Search Result">
                    <p:dataTable id="items"
value="#{searchController.result}" var="item">
                            <f:facet name="header">
                                <h:outputText value="Name" />
                            <h:outputText value="#{item.name}" />
                <p:commandButton value="Close"
action="#{searchController.doCancel}" onsuccess="PopupDialog.hide()"
update="@none" process="@this" />

Any ideas?

Kind regards,


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