Hi there,

in our application (tomcat 6.0.28+ trinidad 1.2.13+facelets) we are time to
time experiencing java.lang.IllegalStateException: Factory already available
for this class loader, which
seems to be happening when there are two (or more) requests sent very
quickly to the server (which IMHO should be pretty normal in busy web apps,
right ?)
I've found this problem reported in apache JIRA (
but there is no solution (it shows that there is a patch is available but
it's not there) and the priority was changed from major or minor.
Well, this issue seems to me quite critical unless there is something wrong
in our settings, which might be likely as I haven't found much references to
this issue (actually just one).
So has anyone else experienced this problem or is there an easy fix or
workaround for it ?



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