Under JSF 1.2 and Facelets, you could specify a ui:param value as a child
of ui:decorate, and it would be used in any included files.
Under JSF 2.1, the ui:param value evaluates to null in the included files
unless it is passed as a child of the ui:include.

Is this a bug or a spec-required change in behavior?

===========  template.xhtml =================
     <ui:insert name="body" />
===========  template.xhtml =================

===========  somepage.xhtml =================
<ui:decorate template="/pages/include/template.xhtml"

  <ui:define name="body">
        <ui:param name="sourcePage" value="#{sourcePageBeanExpression}" />

          // This included page would have a null sourcePage  (worked under
         <ui:include src="includedFragment.xhtml">

          // This included page would have a valid sourcePage
         <ui:include src="includedFragment.xhtml">
               <ui:param name="sourcePage"
value="#{sourcePageBeanExpression}" />

===========  somepage.xhtml =================

===========  includedFragment.xhtml =================
<ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";

  <ui:param name="myBean"

    <h:outputText value="#{myBean.valueString}" />
    <h:panelGrid binding="#{myBean.messagePanel}" />

===========  includedFragment.xhtml =================

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