Here the code snippet

'from time to time' : i mean that when user clicks some radio button i re
render the <h:panelGroup id="expenses_table_wrapper"> that holds the table
, even when i dont specify the column ids explicitly and let the JSF do
that, i still get the same "duplicate id exception"

<h:panelGroup id="expenses_table_wrapper">

            <h:form prependId="false" id="expenses_form">

                <p:dataTable id="expenses_table"
value="#{expensesPage.expensesList}" var="expense"
                    rendered="#{not empty expensesPage.expensesList}">

                    <c:forEach items="#{expensesPage.unitsOfTime}"


                            <f:facet name="header">
                                <h:outputText value="#{unitOfTime}"/>

                            <h:outputText value="SomeValue"/>




On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 10:31 AM, Milo van der Zee <>wrote:

> Hello Daniel,
> some code snippets could be helpfull.
> What do you mean by 'from time to time'? Doe you use an ajax library to
> rerender the table or do you mean by complete page render?
> Do you need the id's on the columns? Can't you just let JSF assign id's?
> I know that c: tags work problamatic with the view tree because they are
> not an element in that tree. Often using ui:repeat works better.
> I don't know what is changed between 2.0.8 and 2.0.11. Might be that
> they now follow the specs better...
> MAG,
> Milo van der Zee
> On Tue, 2012-01-17 at 08:37 +0200, Daniel Reznick wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > Till now I was creating dynamic columns inside a dataTable using the
> > c:forEach , I was assigning unique Ids to each column and from time to
> time
> > was re-creating the table with different columns with no problem at all
> >
> > I was using the myfaces-api-2.0.5, myfaces-bundle-2.0.5 and the
> > myfaces-impl-2.0.5 jars , yesterday I switched to 2.0.11 , and the
> > c:forEach started to throw me errors , "java.lang.IllegalStateException
> > component with duplicate id"
> > and the id that was displayed was the id of the first column, so I guess
> > for some reason it tries to create the same columns again and again and
> > still remembers the old columns,
> >
> > so after seeing this error I downgraded to 2.0.8 , and the error was
> gone,
> > so... Some thing went WRONG between 2.0.8 and 2.0.11,
> >
> > what could it be?
> >
> > How can I solve this issue , cause I need to use 2.0.11 version,
> >
> >
> > Help will be very appreciated,
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Daniel.

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