The problem with the mechanism introduced in JSF-2.0 is to rely on Expression 
Language evaluation for the dynamic parts. But that doesn't perform well so the 
JSF containers serve it with a cache header. Please checkout Jakobs enhanced 
resource handler [1] (especially the Requirements Wiki page) and based on it 
the myfaces-commons-resourcehandler [2] . It's pluggable.
The issue should be fixed in JSF-2.2 (or latest 2.3, not sure if Ed has it on 
the schedule already).



----- Original Message -----
> From: "Carlson, John W." <>
> To: MyFaces Discussion <>; Mark Struberg 
> <>
> Cc: Java Programmers List <>
> Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2012 10:36 PM
> Subject: RE: CODI 1.0.1 NPE in JSF ResourceHandler when evaluating 
> ValueExpression
> Uh, are you guys saying the FacesContext isn't available in a 
> ResourceHandler?  If it's not available, this is a major pain for people 
> with dynamic resource generation.  Essentially, one would have to pass all 
> the 
> necessary information through the URL, or through a non-JSF session.
> I realize that static resource generation is more desirable, and that we're 
> moving towards HTML5 with dynamic stuff happening on the browser.
> If this is not fixed with JSF2, then I would say my statement about JSF not 
> being suitable for a readonly/downloads application is still valid.

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