I'm currently using myfaces 1.1.9 for my web app.  I'm having some problems 
with commandlink not working correctly for me.  It appears that when 
commandlink is inside of the panelgrid, it is not calling the method specified 
in the action attr.  But it works fine if I put it outside of the panelgrid.  
Strange part is that I've had other jsp that have commandlink inside datatable 
and they work fine also.  This is the first time I use it inside a panelgrid.

See code below.  The first commandlink is, which is not inside of panelgrid, 
works fine.  The 2nd commandlink is inside of panelgrid and it is not working 
(not calling back-end bean method)

<jsp:root version="2.0"
        <f:loadBundle var="resources" 
        <h:form id="MSAMHeaderOtherForm">

                <!-- commandlink below works fine -->
                <h:outputText value="|"/>
                <h:commandLink  immediate="true" style="CURSOR: pointer"  
action="#{commonTaskBean.fromMSAMBackToMyAccount}" >
                        <h:outputText value="My Account"/>
                <h:outputText value="|"/>

                <!-- commandlink below does not work -->
                                rendered="#{not empty 
sessionScope.MyAccountLoginType and
sessionScope.MyAccountLoginType==resources.LOGIN_TYPE_MY_ACCOUNT }">
                        <h:outputText value=" "/>
                        <h:outputText value="|"/>
                        <h:commandLink  immediate="true" style="CURSOR: 
pointer"  action="#{commonTaskBean.fromMSAMBackToMyAccount}">
                                <h:outputText value="My Account"/>
                        <h:outputText value="|"/>

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