Finally got it to work inside panelgrid.  I don't understand it but it works.  
Shasi, I think you are right about the problem is caused by rendered attribute 
being evaluated as false when clicked.  Below is what I did to get it to work.  
Hopefully you or someone can explain why.

The code change that I made to get it to work is on this line only:
<h:panelGrid  rendered="#{not empty sessionScope.MyAccountLoginType and 
sessionScope.MyAccountLoginType==resources.LOGIN_TYPE_MY_ACCOUNT }">  

It works if I change it to this:
<h:panelGrid  rendered="#{ sessionScope.MyAccountLoginType=='MA'}">   
Note : value of MA is what I have in my message bundle 
"resources.LOGIN_TYPE_MY_ACCOUNT".  Just to be sure, I did <h:outputText 
value="#{resources.LOGIN_TYPE_MY_ACCOUNT} "/> and it output value of MA 
correctly.  Not sure why I can't use it to perform the rendered test.

I tried below and non of them work.  But I don't know why:
<h:panelGrid  rendered="#{not empty sessionScope.MyAccountLoginType and 
sessionScope.MyAccountLoginType==resources.LOGIN_TYPE_MY_ACCOUNT }">  

<h:panelGrid  rendered="#{not empty sessionScope.MyAccountLoginType and 
sessionScope.MyAccountLoginType=='MA' }"> 

<h:panelGrid  rendered="${not empty sessionScope.MyAccountLoginType and 
sessionScope.MyAccountLoginType=='MA' }"> 

-----Original Message-----
From: Lim Hock-Chai [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2012 1:52 PM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: RE: commandlink not working in panelgrid

I added an onclick="alert(#{not empty sessionScope.MyAccountLoginType and 
sessionScope.MyAccountLoginType==resources.LOGIN_TYPE_MY_ACCOUNT })" on the 
commandlink element and the alert showing value of true when I click on the 

                                rendered="#{not empty 
sessionScope.MyAccountLoginType and
sessionScope.MyAccountLoginType==resources.LOGIN_TYPE_MY_ACCOUNT }">
                        <h:outputText value=" "/>
                        <h:outputText value="|"/>
                                onclick="alert(#{not empty 
sessionScope.MyAccountLoginType and 
sessionScope.MyAccountLoginType==resources.LOGIN_TYPE_MY_ACCOUNT })" 
                                style="CURSOR: pointer"  
                                <h:outputText value="My Account"/>
                        <h:outputText value="|"/>

-----Original Message-----
From: Shasi Mitra [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2012 1:36 PM
To: MyFaces Discussion
Subject: Re: commandlink not working in panelgrid

After u click the link also the expression in the rendered attribute is 
evaluated. That time it should be returning Faldo and hence ur action isn't 
being fired. If u remove all the rendered attributes or keep ur bean in session 
scope, it should work. Try printing the expression u gave in the rendered 
attribute and check. 

Sent from my iPhone

On May 9, 2012, at 11:59 PM, Lim Hock-Chai <> 

> I tried both session and request scopes.  Both failed to work.  The thing is 
> that the commandlink is showing on the page, which would mean that the 
> rendered condition in the panelGroup or panelgrid is ok.  It just that when I 
> click on the link that is inside the panelgroup/panelgrid, it does not work.  
> I even tried not using any rendered condition on the panelGroup/panelGrid, 
> the link still not working.  Oddest thing.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shasi Mitra [] 
> Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2012 1:12 PM
> To: MyFaces Discussion
> Subject: Re: commandlink not working in panelgrid
> Are u sure ur bean is in session scope? Befor the action event is fired, it's 
> verified whether the grid is rendered or not. So if the bean is in request 
> scope, it returns False and therefore the link's action isn't fired. 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On May 9, 2012, at 9:57 PM, Lim Hock-Chai <> 
> wrote:
>> I'm currently using myfaces 1.1.9 for my web app.  I'm having some problems 
>> with commandlink not working correctly for me.  It appears that when 
>> commandlink is inside of the panelgrid, it is not calling the method 
>> specified in the action attr.  But it works fine if I put it outside of the 
>> panelgrid.  Strange part is that I've had other jsp that have commandlink 
>> inside datatable and they work fine also.  This is the first time I use it 
>> inside a panelgrid.
>> See code below.  The first commandlink is, which is not inside of panelgrid, 
>> works fine.  The 2nd commandlink is inside of panelgrid and it is not 
>> working (not calling back-end bean method)
>> <jsp:root version="2.0"
>>   xmlns:jsp="";
>>    xmlns:c="";
>>    xmlns:f="";
>>    xmlns:h="";
>>    xmlns:t="";
>>    xmlns:a4j="";>
>> <f:subview>
>>   <f:loadBundle var="resources" basename="com.arch.myaccount.jsf.Resources"/>
>>   <h:form id="MSAMHeaderOtherForm">
>>       <!-- commandlink below works fine -->
>>       <h:outputText value="|"/>
>>       <h:commandLink  immediate="true" style="CURSOR: pointer"  
>> action="#{commonTaskBean.fromMSAMBackToMyAccount}" >
>>           <h:outputText value="My Account"/>
>>       </h:commandLink>
>>       <h:outputText value="|"/>
>>       <!-- commandlink below does not work -->
>>       <h:panelGroup  
>>               rendered="#{not empty sessionScope.MyAccountLoginType and
>> sessionScope.MyAccountLoginType==resources.LOGIN_TYPE_MY_ACCOUNT }">
>>           <h:outputText value=" "/>
>>           <h:outputText value="|"/>
>>           <h:commandLink  immediate="true" style="CURSOR: pointer"  
>> action="#{commonTaskBean.fromMSAMBackToMyAccount}">
>>               <h:outputText value="My Account"/>
>>           </h:commandLink>
>>           <h:outputText value="|"/>
>>       </h:panelGroup>
>>   </h:form>
>> </f:subview>
>> </jsp:root>    

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