Hi everyone,

im trying to migrante a simple Spring crud  app to OWB running in tomcat 
7.0.27, CDI container starts without problems but im facing some problems with 
Hibernate, here is the startup log + error when i access the login 
page: http://pastebin.com/UTpuk18p

the application can be found 
here: https://github.com/rmpestano/jsf-issuetracker-project

the libs i'm deploying within my war are 

and the class which is referred in error log is this 
one: https://github.com/rmpestano/jsf-issuetracker-project/blob/master/src/br/com/triadworks/issuetracker/dao/impl/UsuarioDaoImpl.java

which  is failing to be injected in this 
bean: https://github.com/rmpestano/jsf-issuetracker-project/blob/master/src/br/com/triadworks/issuetracker/controller/LoginBean.java

any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.


Rafael M. Pestano

Desenvolvedor Java Cia. de Processamento de Dados do Rio Grande do Sul
Graduando em Ciência da Computação UFRGS

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