Scott O'Bryan wrote:

> Part of determining a JSF library is finding the one that works right
> for you.  Trinidad has (for a long time) not bad any major increases
> in functionality.  While I do not consider the product dead, I can see
> some of the frustration.

Scott, first let me emphasize that my opening posting was not meant
as a criticism about your work on Trinidad. After all, you belong
to the people who still work on it. But you actually nailed my
issue with your next two sentences:

> The thing about open source, however, is that it requires community
> involvement.  This isn't a commercial product.

And an active OSS project needs two kinds of community: user
community that may help each other, and developer community that
fixes stuff and creates new code.

My provocative question was actually meant as a way to gauge a
reaction of that community, since so many Trinidad postings here
have been completely ignored in the last few months. I still see
some activity in JIRA, so there is a (small?) developer community;
but the user community doesn't seem to exist in sufficient number.
Please note that also nobody posted here that he uses Trinidad and
sees no problem at all with its current state.

E.g., I'm active in TeX development since 1982. Without our user
communities, our mailing lists and newsgroups, our fora, where
user-level questions are answered, we developers couldn't make it.
IMHO, both aspects of community are needed. Or do you think that
the postings here with user questions are not answered because
they're too difficult?

> If there is some
> functionality you'd like to see in Trinidad, please open up a
> discussion on the dev list about it.  We'd like to hear from you.

Hmm, my 1st wish would be simple:
Package the SVN-tagged 1.2.15 release. :-)

Cheers, and keep up your good work,


Joachim Schrod, Roedermark, Germany

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