
I tried the following example:

        <h:form id="mainForm">


        <cc:attribute name="onRowEditListener"  required="false"
        <cc:attribute name="value"/>
      <test:ajaxContent onRowEditListener="#{cc.attrs.onRowEditListener}">
        <h:outputText value="#{cc.attrs.value}" />


        <cc:attribute  name="onRowEditListener"  required="false"
      <h:commandButton value="Press me">
        <f:ajax render="content" listener="#{cc.attrs.onRowEditListener}" />
      <h:panelGroup id="content" layout="block">

public class AjaxListenerBean
    private String value;
    /*... getter and setter ..*/
    public void ajaxRender(AjaxBehaviorEvent evt)
        value = Double.toString(Math.random());
        System.out.println("value ="+value);

Works without problem. I'm using jetty maven plugin 8.1.3.v20120416 ,
which uses glassfish EL.

There is no evidence so far that there is a bug in MyFaces. That part
has been tested intensively. I think it is a bug in tomcat EL
implementation or maybe something related to openwebbeans


Leonardo Uribe

2012/7/23 Rafael Pestano <rmpest...@yahoo.com.br>:
> Hi Ludovic,
> i've had similar problem with closeListener of primefaces dialog inside 
> composite components, my workaround was as follows:
>  <composite:interface componentType="yourpackage.ModalComposite">
> <composite:attribute name="closeListener" method-signature="void 
> method(org.primefaces.event.CloseEvent)" shortDescription="action to call on 
> close - signature: void method(org.primefaces.event.CloseEvent)"/>
> ... other attributes...
> <composite:implementation
> <p:dialog header="#{cc.attrs.header}"
>                       //some attrs
>                      >
>             <p:ajax event="close"
>                     listener="#{cc.closeListener}" //here is the important 
> part
>                     update="#{cc.attrs.onCloseUpdate}"
>                     process="@this"/>
> //other stuff
>  and finally the java class which handles the component
> @FacesComponent(value="yourpackage.ModalComposite")
> public class ModalComposite extends UINamingContainer {
>     @Override
>     public String getFamily() {
>         return "javax.faces.NamingContainer"; // Important! Required for 
> composite components.
>     }
>     public void closeListener(CloseEvent event) {
>         FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
>         MethodExpression ajaxEventListener = (MethodExpression) 
> getAttributes().get("closeListener");
>         if(ajaxEventListener != null){
>             ajaxEventListener.invoke(context.getELContext(), new Object[] { 
> event });
>         }
>     }
> and here is how to use it:
>   <tag:modalComposite...
>                              closeListener="#{myBean.clearSelection}"
> public class MyBean {
> public void clearSelection(CloseEvent event){
>         this.selectedPeople = null;
>     }
>     }
> maybe it helps as workaround for you..
> Att,
> Rafael M. Pestano
> Desenvolvedor Java Cia. de Processamento de Dados do Rio Grande do Sul
> Graduando em Ciência da Computação UFRGS
> http://conventionsframework.org
> http://rpestano.wordpress.com/
> @realpestano
> ________________________________
> De: "l.pe...@senat.fr" <l.pe...@senat.fr>
> Para: users@myfaces.apache.org
> Enviadas: Segunda-feira, 23 de Julho de 2012 14:53
> Assunto: Re: Passing method parameters to nested composite component
> On 23/07/2012 19:39, Leonardo Uribe wrote:
>> Hi
>> Thinking more about it, check if both composite components define the
>> attribute with method-signature. In theory, if there is a bug, it
>> should be possible to reproduce it excluding primefaces and using
>> actionListener or valueChangeListener instead. But first try the
>> syntax using "targets" instead the cc EL expression.
> I immediatly tried "targets" when you pointed it (on both declarations). It 
> did not help.
> Both composite components declare the attribute with "method-signature".
> The value is used by the inner control in an ajax declaration of a primefaces 
> p:datatable :
> <p:ajax event="rowEdit" update="#{cc.attrs.onRowEdit}"
>                 listener="#{cc.attrs.onRowEditListener}" />
> I do not see how to use actionListener or valueChangeListener there.
> I tried (dirty) using cc.parent.attrs.onRowEditListener instead, and it did 
> not help.
> h:outputText of cc.parent.attrs.onRowEditListener seems correct :
> org.apache.el.MethodExpressionImpl@358f0647
> Thx,
> Ludovic
> |
> |

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