
Thank you for the response.

1. Yes, I did add an 'empty' beans.xml to WEB-INF as advised by many places
on the internet, and the app starts up successfully. I did 'not' have
beans.xml added to META-INF, since all of my code is in the web app (I
created no JARs of my own). I just added beans.xml to META-INF (while
beans.xhtml already exists in WEB-INF), attempted to start glassfish, and I
get the following error:

INFO: WELD-000900 1.1.8 (Final)
SEVERE: Exception while invoking class org.glassfish.weld.WeldDeployer load

I'm sure the error above means that my web app does not need 'empty'
beans.xml in META-INF (and WEB-INF), so I will remove beans.xml from

2. Yes, all CDI beans (accessed via EL) have @Named annotation, and I am
using @Inject along with Qualifiers (for classes that extend ancestor
classes). Below are notes from what I did/completed yesterday for this

Migrate from JSF Managed Beans to CDI Managed Beans





@ManagedBean(name =


Migrated applicationScopeBean from JSF ApplicationScoped managed bean to
EJB @Singleton with @Startup (*please disregard this*, since the last thing
I did with this was to migrate it to CDI applicationscoped instead of EJB
singleton and startup)

Added CDI Qualifier called @Descendant for all descendants of Address,
EmailAddress, Phone, and PointOfContact controllers


with @Inject and private instance variable

3. Honestly, I was hoping not to have to migrate to another container like
Tomcat or TomEE, since I only have little/limited experience with those
containers (as I attempted to migrate to Tomcat 7.0.32, 1 or 2 weeks ago,
but too much was involved and I couldn't even get the web app to start). I
am open to trying TomEE, hopefully, as a last-and-final option. :)

On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 5:04 AM, Mark Struberg <> wrote:

> Hi Howard!
> JUEL is an Expression Language implementation. It has nothing to do with
> CDI apart from CDI providing an ELResolver. JUEL is much faster than the EL
> interpreter in glassfish, so this is fine.
> For your beans getting recognized in EL expressions:
> 1.) Do you have a META-INF/beans.xml in all your jars/classpaths which
> contain CDI beans? This files can be empty, they just act as marker files.
> For the webapp you might add one to WEB-INF/beans.xml.
> 2.) Do your CDI beans you access via EL have a @Named annotation?
> This is needed to make them available for ELResolvers.
> 3.) glassfish has a few nasty integration issues when it comes to pluggin
> in different container parts. Can you try your app on tomee-1.5? [1]. It
> comes with the latest MyFaces out of the box!
> LieGrue,
> strub
> [1]
> ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Howard W. Smith, Jr." <>
> > To: MyFaces Discussion <>
> > Cc:
> > Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2012 10:35 AM
> > Subject: MyFaces 2.1.9 / Glassfish Migrating to CDI Managed
> Beans
> >
> > Web application details:
> > JSF 2.1, MyFaces 2.1.9, PrimeFaces 3.4.1 (or 3.5-SNAPSHOT), Glassfish
> > (build 5), JUEL 2.2.5
> >
> > From server log:
> > INFO: WELD-000900 1.1.8 (Final)
> >
> > Yesterday, I started migrating from JSF Managed Beans to CDI Managed
> Beans.
> > I referred to Chapter 28 (CDI) of Oracle's Java EE 6
> > Tutorial<>as
> > well as many other pages I found on the internet.
> >
> > Finally, the app starts, as I think I completed most steps necessary to
> > migrate to CDI managed beans, but now it seems as though my beans are not
> > accessible from facelets. As per
> > MYFACES-3104<>,
> > I am already using *JUEL 2.2.5* (that is working well with JSF Managed
> > Beans in production), so I already had *
> > org.apache.myfaces.EXPRESSION_FACTORY* set in web.xml, as well as
> > *org.apache.myfaces.SUPPORT_JSP_AND_FACES_EL
> > *to *false*, and the last thing I did was add the following to web.xml:
> >
> >     <context-param>
> >
> > <param-name>org.apache.myfaces.annotation.SCAN_PACKAGES</param-name>
> >         <param-value>pf,jsf.users,jsf.orders</param-value>
> >     </context-param>
> >
> > Which are just a 'few' of the packages that contained beans referenced
> > by
> > the initial page of the app (login.xhtml).
> >
> > My questions:
> >
> >    1. Can someone please advise me of blog/tutorials that list any/all
> >    steps necessary to migrate MyFaces 2.1.9 / Glassfish web app
> from
> >    JSF Managed Beans to CDI?
> >    2. I am not using MyFaces CODI or OpenWebBeans (yet). I've seen
> >    OpenWebBeans recommended with MyFaces Core (2.1.7+) for performance
> >    reasons, and in PrimeFaces forum, I've seen MyFaces Core and MyFaces
> >    used together by some people. If I should use MyFaces CODI or
> OpenWebBeans,
> >    please reply with blog/tutorial/instruction URLs.
> >
> > My next steps will probably be any/all of the following:
> >
> >    1. Remove JUEL 2.2.5 from the project, and see if I can successfully
> get
> >    my pages to render via CDI
> >    2. Add MyFaces CODI (need to search for a good set of instructions on
> >    how to do so)
> >    3. Add OpenWebBeans (same as above, need good set of instructions)
> >
> > Please confirm/advise. If you need any more details from me (for example,
> > for me to reply with my web.xml), then please let me know.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Howard
> >

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