On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 6:01 PM, Howard W. Smith, Jr. <
smithh032...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Based on these test results, @PreDestroy of MyFaces 2.2 CDI @ViewScoped
> bean is executed via session invalidation and expiration. :)
> Great work and thank you, Leonardo, Gerhard, and MyFaces team! :)

When MyFaces 2.2.x is bundled with TomEE+ (snapshot), hopefully, I will
remember to start using MyFaces 2.2.x CDI @ViewScoped bean. Until then, I
will keep using MyFaces 2.1.12 and OmniFaces CDI @ViewScoped.

i hope to do more MyFaces 2.2 testing, if/when i have bandwidth and/or
use-case to do so. :)

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