With Caching I meant stuff like all the things which do not change often. 

There is a big difference between 'almost static' data and between 'living 

E.g. the User data can surely be cached for 30 minutes. How often do you add or 
change a new user in your system?
Same for e.g. an amazon catalogue. This can be perfectly be cached for at least 
an hour without having to hit the database again. 
Of course not all data can be cached, but lots of things which are kind of 
'configuration like' can. And this can take away a lot of hits from the 
database which is then free to serve other more important stuff.


----- Original Message -----
> From: "Howard W. Smith, Jr." <smithh032...@gmail.com>
> To: MyFaces Discussion <users@myfaces.apache.org>
> Cc: 
> Sent: Sunday, 20 October 2013, 13:19
> Subject: Re: [OT but still JSF]: Clustering, session replication, and 
> database, too
> On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 7:07 AM, Howard W. Smith, Jr. <
> smithh032...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  hmmm, avoid database replication.
> honestly, I think HA-JDBC[1] (clustering the database) is all I really
> need, because my app is quite fast, and only bottleneck is database layer.
> I have seen David Blevins or Mark Struberg say that they reverted to
> caching much of the data from database (in memory, on startup, I
> guess/assume) to improve performance, but i wonder if caching the data is
> really (really) necessary/recommended...
> [1] http://ha-jdbc.github.io/

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