Nope, we didn't touch @ConversationScoped a bit in CDI-1.1.

The main changes in CDI-1.1 have been clarifications. But most of them are 
already implemented in OWB and Weld, even in the CDI-1.0 targetting versions.
There have been a few good Extensions in the Extension area, scanning, etc  in 


----- Original Message -----
> From: Kay Wrobel <>
> To: MyFaces Discussion <>
> Cc: 
> Sent: Wednesday, 30 October 2013, 22:44
> Subject: Re: Apache CODI x JEE7 Glassfish4
> One could still investigate if @ConversatioScoped has improved in CDI 
> 1.1 and is on par with how CODI 1.0.5 handles it. Again, I am not the 
> right person to discuss that annotation, but it's a thought.
> On 10/30/2013 04:33 PM, Gerhard Petracek wrote:
>>  hi edilmar,
>>  apache deltaspike is the official successor of codi/seam/... (including
>>  support for ee7+).
>>  some parts (including codi-conversations) are still on our list, however,
>>  you can try it with [1] (it's the same code - just different packages 
> and
>>  based on deltaspike).
>>  @kay (and your comment about conversations):
>>  std. cdi conversations are available since cdi 1.0 and have many
>>  disadvantages compared to codi-conversations.
>>  that was the reason for introducing codi-conversations at all (see e.g.
>>  [2]) -> they are still useful.
>>  regards,
>>  gerhard
>>  [1]
>>  [2]
>>  Your JSF/JavaEE powerhouse -
>>  JavaEE Consulting, Development and
>>  Courses in English and German
>>  Professional Support for Apache MyFaces
>>  2013/10/30 Edilmar Alves <>
>>>  I think CODI is a great replacement for my actual environment, the only
>>>  problem is to deploy in GF4.
>>>  2013/10/30 Edilmar Alves <>
>>>>  Hi,
>>>>  I use CODI ConversationScoped and @Inject Conversation because it 
> is
>>>>  better than original CDI implementation.
>>>>  I have many java files using CODI at this time.
>>>>  Then, to go back to CDI, I will have to change many files, and I 
> don't
>>>>  know if the webapp will continue to work 100%,
>>>>  because the management of the Conversation object made by CODI is 
> great,
>>>>  for example it decreases problems like
>>>>  LazyException caused by Hibernate with JSF fields.
>>>>  2013/10/30 Kay Wrobel <>
>>>>>  Also, you might want to check with RichFaces. I found this blog 
> <
>>>>>  release-announcement.html<
>>>>>  and the moderator mentions that full JSF 2.2 support is planned 
> for
>>>>>  RichFaces 5. I had some of the same issues with PrimeFaces 3.5 
> which was
>>>>>  incompatible with JSF 2.2 and I had to wait for PrimeFaces 4.0 
> to come
>>>  out.
>>>>>  On 10/30/2013 03:17 PM, Kay Wrobel wrote:
>>>>>>  I'm looking at CDI 1.1 spec 
> <**
>>>>>>  spec/1.1/cdi-spec.html<
>>>>>>  and ot looks like @ConversationScope is already part of CDI 
> 1.1, no
>>>  CODI
>>>>>>  needed for that.
>>>>>>  GlassFish 4 includes CDI 1.1 by way of Weld API 2.0 <
> <
>>>>>>  which is bundled inside the weld-osgi-bundle.jar.
>>>>>>  On 10/30/2013 02:55 PM, Edilmar Alves wrote:
>>>>>>>  Hi friends,
>>>>>>>  Thanks for help!
>>>>>>>  Look at these situations...
>>>>>>>  1) Glassfish 3.1.1 and has the same behaviour. 
> But I use in
>>>>>>>  production 3.1.1 because there are many servers using 
> my webapp with
>>>>>>>  this
>>>>>>>  version, and it is not simple to upgrade.
>>>>>>>  2) I am testing Glassfish 4/JEE7 because Glassfish is 
> the oficial
>>>  server
>>>>>>>  approved by the enterprise, I can't change for 
> other server. Then, I
>>>>>>>  test
>>>>>>>  version 4 because there are some other functionalities 
> I would like to
>>>>>>>  use
>>>>>>>  from JEE7 in my webapp, but with CODI it is not 
> possible to deploy.
>>>>>>>  3) I didn't understand the suggestion to use 
> Myfaces 2.2. Has it a
>>>>>>>  replacement for the CODI ConversationScoped, for 
> example? Because this
>>>>>>>  scope is used in many pages of my webapp, the main 
> resource from CODI
>>>>>>>  that
>>>>>>>  I use and need an alternative. I can't use Myfaces, 
> for example, to
>>>>>>>  change
>>>>>>>  Richfaces.
>>>>>>>  2013/10/30 Kay Wrobel <>
>>>>>>>    Or he can stick with Glassfish, which is 
> GlassFish' last
>>>  final
>>>>>>>>  release targeting Java EE 6. Unless he wants to 
> incorporated new
>>>>>>>>  features
>>>>>>>>  that only Java EE 7 can provide, I'd say, stick 
> with what currently
>>>>>>>>  works.
>>>>>>>>  Or try alternatives, such as TomEE 1.5.2 or TomEE 
> 1.6 which still
>>>>>>>>  targets
>>>>>>>>  Java EE 6, or JBoss AS 7 which also targets Java EE 
> 6.
>>>>>>>>  On 10/30/2013 02:08 PM, Howard W. Smith, Jr. wrote:
>>>>>>>>    Also, MyFaces 2.2 (beta, which has JavaEE7 JSF2.2 
> features) was
>>>>>>>>>  just/recently released (yesterday, I think). 
> Feel free to give that
>>>  a
>>>>>>>>>  try.
>>>>>>>>>  TomEE and tomcat8 is and/or will be targeting 
> JEE7.
>>>>>>>>>  is it a requirement to deploy to Glassfish 4, 
> or you just want to
>>>>>>>>>  deploy
>>>>>>>>>  to
>>>>>>>>>  your local machine for testing purposes only?
>>>>>>>>>  if for testing purposes only, download latest 
> tomee 1.6 snapshot and
>>>>>>>>>  Myfaces 2.2 (beta), drop MyFaces 2.2 api + impl 
> JARs in tomee/lib
>>>>>>>>>  folder,
>>>>>>>>>  and give them a try. and if you have any 
> tomee-related questions,
>>>>>>>>>  please
>>>>>>>>>  subscribe to tomee user list and ask questions 
> there. they are
>>>>>>>>>  'apache',
>>>>>>>>>  too, and just as helpful there, 'too'. 
> :)
>>>>>>>>>  On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 2:59 PM, Kay Wrobel 
> <>
>>>>>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>>>>>>     Hi Edilmar.
>>>>>>>>>>  I had the same issues. There are 
> incompatibilities apparently with
>>>>>>>>>>  JSF
>>>>>>>>>>  2.2
>>>>>>>>>>  that ships with GlassFish 4. And JSF 2.2 
> has some much improved CDI
>>>>>>>>>>  features, such as proper @ViewScope.
>>>>>>>>>>  Kay
>>>>>>>>>>  On 10/30/2013 01:03 PM, Edilmar Alves 
> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>     Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>  I have an webapp that runs fine in 
> GF3.1.1 using Weld1.1 + CODI +
>>>>>>>>>>>  JPA2 +
>>>>>>>>>>>  Hibernate4.2.6 + JSF2 + RichFaces4.3.4.
>>>>>>>>>>>  Then, when I try to deploy in GF4, 
> server.log arises this error,
>>>  and
>>>>>>>>>>>  searching on Internet, some people said 
> this is a
>>>>>>>>>>>  problem with CODI, that is not 
> compatible with JEE7 projects. Is
>>>>>>>>>>>  this
>>>>>>>>>>>  true?
>>>>>>>>>>>  If it is not compatible, is there some 
> alternative
>>>>>>>>>>>  that makes the same as CODI 
> ConversationScoped for example, that I
>>>>>>>>>>>  use
>>>>>>>>>>>  in
>>>>>>>>>>>  many places in my webapp?
>>>>>>>>>>>       [2013-07-29T10:44:42.206-0400] 
> [glassfish 4.0] [SEVERE]
>>>>>>>>>>>  [NCLS-CORE-00026]
>>>>>>>>>>>  [javax.enterprise.system.core] [tid: 
> _ThreadID=36
>>>>>>>>>>>  _ThreadName=admin-listener(5)] 
> [timeMillis: 1375109082206]
>>>>>>>>>>>  [levelValue:
>>>>>>>>>>>  1000] [[
>>>>>>>>>>>        Exception during lifecycle 
> processing
> org.glassfish.deployment.******common.DeploymentException: CDI
>>>>>>>>>>>  deployment
>>>>>>>>>>>  failure:WELD-001408 Unsatisfied 
> dependencies for type [Validator]
>>>>>>>>>>>  with
>>>>>>>>>>>  qualifiers [@Default] at injection 
> point [[UnbackedAnnotatedField]
>>>>>>>>>>>  @Inject
>>>>>>>>>>>  private
> org.hibernate.validator.******internal.cdi.interceptor.**
>>>>>>>>>>>  ValidationInterceptor.******validator]
>>>>>>>>>>>          at 
> org.glassfish.weld.******WeldDeployer.event(****
>>>>>>>>>>>          at 
> org.glassfish.kernel.event.*****
>>>>>>>>>>>  *EventsImpl.send(EventsImpl.**
>>>>>>>>>>>  java:131)
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> com.sun.enterprise.v3.server.******ApplicationLifecycle.**
>>>>>>>>>>>  deploy(****
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> com.sun.enterprise.v3.server.******ApplicationLifecycle.**
>>>>>>>>>>>  deploy(****
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> org.glassfish.deployment.******admin.DeployCommand.execute(**
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.******CommandRunnerImpl$2$**
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.******CommandRunnerImpl$2$**
>>>>>>>>>>>          at 
>>>>>>>>>>>  ****Native
>>>>>>>>>>>  Method)
>>>>>>>>>>>          at 
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.******CommandRunnerImpl$2.execute(****
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.******CommandRunnerImpl.doCommand(****
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.******CommandRunnerImpl.doCommand(****
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.******CommandRunnerImpl.access$**
>>>>>>>>>>>  1500(****
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.******CommandRunnerImpl$**
> ExecutionContext.execute(******
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.******CommandRunnerImpl$**
> ExecutionContext.execute(******
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
>>>>>>>>>>>  CommandResource.**
> executeCommand(******
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
>>>>>>>>>>>  CommandResource.**
> execCommandSimpInMultOut(******
>>>>>>>>>>>          at 
> sun.reflect.******NativeMethodAccessorImpl.******
>>>>>>>>>>>  invoke0(Native
>>>>>>>>>>>  Method)
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> sun.reflect.******NativeMethodAccessorImpl.******invoke(**
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> sun.reflect.******DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.******invoke(**
> DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.******java:43)
>>>>>>>>>>>          at 
> java.lang.reflect.Method.******invoke(
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> org.glassfish.jersey.server.******model.internal.**
> ResourceMethodInvocationHandle******rFactory$1.invoke(**
> ResourceMethodInvocationHandle******
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> org.glassfish.jersey.server.******model.internal.**
> AbstractJavaResourceMethodDisp******atcher.invoke(**
> AbstractJavaResourceMethodDisp******
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> org.glassfish.jersey.server.******model.internal.**
> JavaResourceMethodDispatcherPr******ovider$ResponseOutInvoker.**
>>>>>>>>>>>  ****
>>>>>>>>>>>  doDispatch(**
> JavaResourceMethodDispatcherPr******
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> org.glassfish.jersey.server.******model.internal.**
> AbstractJavaResourceMethodDisp******atcher.dispatch(**
> AbstractJavaResourceMethodDisp******
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> org.glassfish.jersey.server.******model.ResourceMethodInvoker.****
> invoke(ResourceMethodInvoker.******java:346)
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> org.glassfish.jersey.server.******model.ResourceMethodInvoker.****
> apply(ResourceMethodInvoker.******java:341)
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> org.glassfish.jersey.server.******model.ResourceMethodInvoker.****
> apply(ResourceMethodInvoker.******java:101)
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> org.glassfish.jersey.server.******ServerRuntime$**
>>>>>>>>>>>          at 
> org.glassfish.jersey.internal.**
>>>>>>>>>>>  ****Errors$****
>>>>>>>>>>>  271)
>>>>>>>>>>>          at 
> org.glassfish.jersey.internal.**
>>>>>>>>>>>  ****Errors$****
>>>>>>>>>>>  267)
>>>>>>>>>>>          at 
> org.glassfish.jersey.internal.**
>>>>>>>>>>>  ****Errors.process(Errors.**java:*
>>>>>>>>>>>  ***315)
>>>>>>>>>>>          at 
> org.glassfish.jersey.internal.**
>>>>>>>>>>>  ****Errors.process(Errors.**java:*
>>>>>>>>>>>  ***297)
>>>>>>>>>>>          at 
> org.glassfish.jersey.internal.**
>>>>>>>>>>>  ****Errors.process(Errors.**java:*
>>>>>>>>>>>  ***267)
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> org.glassfish.jersey.process.******internal.RequestScope.**
>>>>>>>>>>>  runInScope(******317)
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> org.glassfish.jersey.server.******ServerRuntime.process(**
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> org.glassfish.jersey.server.******ApplicationHandler.handle(**
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> org.glassfish.jersey.grizzly2.******httpserver.**
> GrizzlyHttpContainer.service(*********
>>>>>>>>>>>  *331)
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
>>>>>>>>>>>  ****
> 3.service(******JerseyContainerCommandService.******java:165)
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> com.sun.enterprise.v3.******services.impl.ContainerMapper.******
>>>>>>>>>>>  service(******246)
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> org.glassfish.grizzly.http.******server.HttpHandler.**
>>>>>>>>>>>  runService(****
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> org.glassfish.grizzly.http.******server.HttpHandler.doHandle(****
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> org.glassfish.grizzly.http.******server.HttpServerFilter.**
> handleRead(HttpServerFilter.******java:189)
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> org.glassfish.grizzly.******filterchain.ExecutorResolver$******
> 9.execute(ExecutorResolver.******java:119)
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> org.glassfish.grizzly.******filterchain.******
>>>>>>>>>>>  DefaultFilterChain.****
>>>>>>>>>>>  executeFilter(
>>>>>>>>>>>  **
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
>>>  org.glassfish.grizzly.******filterchain.******DefaultFilterChain.**
> executeChainPart(******
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> org.glassfish.grizzly.******filterchain.******DefaultFilterChain.execute(**
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> org.glassfish.grizzly.******filterchain.******DefaultFilterChain.process(**
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> org.glassfish.grizzly.******ProcessorExecutor.execute(**
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> org.glassfish.grizzly.nio.******transport.TCPNIOTransport.**
> fireIOEvent(TCPNIOTransport.******java:838)
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> org.glassfish.grizzly.******strategies.AbstractIOStrategy.****
>>>>>>>>>>>  **fireIOEvent(**
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> org.glassfish.grizzly.******strategies.******WorkerThreadIOStrategy.run0(**
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> org.glassfish.grizzly.******strategies.******WorkerThreadIOStrategy.access$
>>>>>>>>>>>  ****
> 100(WorkerThreadIOStrategy.******java:55)
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> org.glassfish.grizzly.******strategies.******
>>>>>>>>>>>  WorkerThreadIOStrategy$**
>>>>>>>>>>>  **135)
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> org.glassfish.grizzly.******threadpool.AbstractThreadPool$****
>>>>>>>>>>>  **Worker.doWork(**
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> org.glassfish.grizzly.******threadpool.AbstractThreadPool$******
>>>>>>>>>>>          at 
>>>>>>>>>>>  Caused by: 
> org.jboss.weld.exceptions.******DeploymentException:
>>>>>>>>>>>  WELD-001408
>>>>>>>>>>>  Unsatisfied dependencies for type 
> [Validator] with qualifiers
>>>>>>>>>>>  [@Default]
>>>>>>>>>>>  at
>>>>>>>>>>>  injection point 
> [[UnbackedAnnotatedField] @Inject private
> org.hibernate.validator.******internal.cdi.interceptor.**
>>>>>>>>>>>  ValidationInterceptor.******validator]
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> org.jboss.weld.bootstrap.******Validator.****
>>>>>>>>>>>  validateInjectionPointForDeplo******
>>>>>>>>>>>  ymentProblems(******403)
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> org.jboss.weld.bootstrap.******Validator.******
>>>>>>>>>>>  validateInjectionPoint(**
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
>>>  org.jboss.weld.bootstrap.******Validator.validateInterceptor(******
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> org.jboss.weld.bootstrap.******Validator.******
>>>>>>>>>>>  validateInterceptors(**
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> org.jboss.weld.bootstrap.******Validator.validateDeployment(******
>>>>>>>>>>>          at
> org.jboss.weld.bootstrap.******WeldBootstrap.validateBeans(**
>>>>>>>>>>>          at 
> org.glassfish.weld.******WeldDeployer.event(****
>>>>>>>>>>>          ... 58 more
>>>>>>>>>>>  ]]
>>>>>>>>>>>  [2013-07-29T10:44:42.208-0400] 
> [glassfish 4.0] [SEVERE] []
>>>>>>>>>>>  [javax.enterprise.system.core] [tid: 
> _ThreadID=36
>>>>>>>>>>>  _ThreadName=admin-listener(5)] 
> [timeMillis: 1375109082208]
>>>>>>>>>>>  [levelValue:
>>>>>>>>>>>  1000] [[
>>>>>>>>>>>        Exception while loading the app]]
>>>>  --
>>>>  Edilmar Alves
>>>>  Analista de Sistemas, Vascaíno, Rockeiro e Nadador
>>>>  face: /edilmar.alves, twitter: @edilista, skype: edilmar
>>>  --
>>>  Edilmar Alves
>>>  Analista de Sistemas, Vascaíno, Rockeiro e Nadador
>>>  face: /edilmar.alves, twitter: @edilista, skype: edilmar

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