I'm using Myfaces 2.2 with Client-side state saving. I see that the
ViewScoped beans & data stored in viewmap is lost after the user session is
I came to know, not sure if it is correct, that this is the expected
behavior but then what's the way to avoid view expired exceptions after
session destroy?

My problem is that I destroy the user session pretty quickly after some
inactivity period(like after 20 minutes) but I want the viewscope data to
survive even after that(when using client saving) so that when the user
comes back after session destroy, he doesn't need to do a page refresh. I
dont know why & how this is so implemented but It is very normal that the
user may be busy reading some section of website or be away for 20 minutes,
& as he comes back & interacts with opened pages, how would I make that
work without the state ?
I think this is a common requirement for any public websites.

I think the internally used jsf viewstate is not lost, if I use client side
state saving(as my pages still work), but then why are those viewscoped
beans scoped that were also serialized to page along with the viewstate.

If this the designed behavior, Is there any way I could make the view
scoped data survive session expiration ?

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