Hello Tom,

sorry, but I don't have a Mac, so I cannot reproduce Your issue.
Which file system does Your Mac use? I've found this on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HFS_Plus

Especially this sentence might give a hint - or probably not: "Additionally, the core of the filesystem uses case-insensitive NFD <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_equivalence#Normal_forms> Unicode strings, which led Linus Torvalds <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linus_Torvalds> to say that "HFS+ is probably the worst file-system ever."

Kind regards

Am 31.01.2018 um 20:36 schrieb Thomas Wolf:
Hallo Peter,
I'm on a Mac (I'm guessing you ask because of the case sensitivity issue with Windows?).  The relevant parts of my gitconfig (it's quite lengthy because of all the defect branches, so I'm not going to send the whole thing):

    repositoryformatversion = 0
    filemode = true
    bare = false
    logallrefupdates = true
    ignorecase = true
    precomposeunicode = true
[remote "origin"]
    url = g...@gitgrid.unx.sas.com:Vertical/SimulationStudio/DesktopApp
    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[branch "master"]
    remote = origin
    merge = refs/heads/master
[branch "dev-d5sim151"]
    remote = origin
    merge = refs/heads/dev-d5sim151
    buildbitmaps = false
[branch "S1385163"]
    remote = origin
    merge = refs/heads/S1385163

I'm in the S1385163 branch and merged in our main branch dev-d5sim151.  I'm now trying to commit the merged changes into the S1385163.

Thanks for the links - I'll start reading, I guess.  Just wish NB was a little more forthcoming with what files are having this issue :-(


On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 1:40 PM, Peter Nabbefeld <peter.nabbef...@gmx.de <mailto:peter.nabbef...@gmx.de>> wrote:

    Hi Tom,

    are You on Windows? What is the content of Your git config?

    Probably these articles provide some helpful information for You:

    Kind regards

    Am 31.01.2018 um 16:47 schrieb Thomas Wolf:

        I'm on a defect branch and there have been lots of commits on
        our main branch since I branched off.  Since I'm nowhere near
        finishing my work on the branch, I thought it might be a good
        time to merge changes from the main branch into my defect
        branch.  The merge went well - only one file had a merge
        conflict ("SASSimulation.java") which I resolved.  Everything
        builds and functions as expected.  But when I tried to commit
        everything to my branch, NB throws up an error:

        "Some files were renamed only by changing the case in their
        names.  You should use a command line client to commit this
        state, the Netbeans IDE cannot handle it properly."

        I can definitely try and use the 'git' commands (I'll have to
        figure out which options :-), but what files is NB talking
        about?  There's no list of offending files. The "Commit
        Message" doesn't make much sense to me either - it seems to
        still have the original merge conflict in SASSimulation.java -
        which I resolved and which had nothing to do with the name of
        the file (I highlighted the file in commit list just to point
        it out.)

        Any help would be much appreciated.

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