On Fri, 9 Feb 2018 at 10:07 Marco Rossi <ma...@markreds.it> wrote:

> Dear all,
> Emilian has fixed this issue. These involve some changes in the applemenu
> module (see https://github.com/apache/incubator-netbeans/pull/411/files).
> At this point how could I integrate this fix in my application built on top
> of NB 8.2 platform? Is there a way to override that classes with my custom
> ones?
> Any suggestions?

IIRC (been a while since I did this) you can copy (possibly with changes)
and build the module along with your own in your application, and it will
override the module in platform because it's seen first.  At least, I used
to do something similar years ago with JNA to ship a newer version while
maintaining dependencies.  I also added to the build script to remove the
platform module post-build just-in-case.  Don't exclude the module in the
platform list - that filters out your version too.

Interested to try this fix in Praxis LIVE - I have a problem where that
quit never works, but have delegating lifecycle managers that always shows
a dialog on quit.

Best wishes,

Neil C Smith
Artist & Technologist

Praxis LIVE - hybrid visual IDE for creative coding - www.praxislive.org

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