Figured out the issue by delving into ant scripts.

Richard Schulte | O: 402.938.1465 |

From: Geertjan Wielenga []
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2018 12:22 PM
Subject: Re: problems running project

What is needed from you:
- your operating system
- which version, exactly, of Java are you using
- are you using the 9.0-VC3 announced here and elsewhere, if not, please use 
- please provide a project that can be used to reproduce the problem
- right now we know nothing about your project -- is it based on Ant, on Maven, 
on what?
- please provide step by step instructions what must be done with your project 
to run it



On Mon, Jul 9, 2018 at 7:16 PM, Schulte, Richard 
<<>> wrote:
I migrated a project from Netbeans 8/JDK 8 to Netbeans 9/JDK 10.  The project 
builds successfully, but it fails with ‘Error: Could not create Java Virtual 
Machine.  Error: A fatal exception has occurred’.  I can run the project from a 
script file, so it works if everything is set up correctly.  Can someone 
provide a pointer to how Netbeans’  Run -> Run Main Project starts the project? 
 How can I determine what exception is being thrown?

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