Hello all :) Apologies in advance for the newbie NBP questions.  I have
already been through the NBP API documentation and Netbeans sources, which
is how I've got to where I am, but I'm a bit stumped now.  Any pointers, no
matter how small, gratefully received!

1)    Modular approach for project customizers (and sharing settings
between Modules)

    * I have a module suite with a Project module, and two modules for
supported File Types, Nss and Tda
    * In the project module, I have a class that implements
AuxillaryProperties and reads/writes a .properties file.  This class is
registered in the Project Lookup
    * In the File Type modules, I have registered customizer panels with

    Q1)  ProjectUtils.getPreferences() returns null.  Why?  Looking at the
NB source, it seems like the factory creates the backing store by first
checking for an implementation of AuxillaryConfiguration in the
ProjectLookup, then for AuxillaryProperties.  I have an implementation of
AuxillaryProperties, so I'm not sure why it doesn't work.

    I can get the properties by looking up AuxillaryProperties from in
Project lookup injected into the customizer panels - but the Netbeans API
documentation says not to directly use this interface...

    Q2)  How to save changes for each panel?  I think that each panel
somehow needs to listen to the okOptionLister and implement its own save
operation, but that Listener is up in the Project.

2) My Module Suite will no longer build unless I do a Clean & Build.
Regular build fails with the following error:

    error: Refused to write invalid generated-layer.xml:
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 174; columnNumber: 43; The
element type "file" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</file>".

    The only generated-layer.xml file is the one for the Nss module.  The
XML around line 174 is:

        <folder name="Preprocessor Directives">
            <file name="DirectiveInclude.xml">
editor_palette_item PUBLIC '-//NetBeans//Editor Palette Item 1.1//EN' '
                <editor_palette_item version="1.1">
                    <body>  <![CDATA[#include "filename"]]]]><![CDATA[>
urlvalue="org/peedeeboy/oens/nss/icons/edit-number.png" />
urlvalue="org/peedeeboy/oens/nss/icons/edit-number.png" />

<inline-description><display-name>Include</display-name><tooltip> <![CDATA[
Include external .nss

    Q3) Why would this fail to be generated correctly on a Build, but not
on a Clean and Build?

3) My NSS file type should always be opened/saved in CP-1252 encoding, with
Windows line endings

    Q4) Where to implement this?  To try and get some clues, I've been
looking through the NB sources for how NB gets the encoding property for
Java projects and uses it for reading/writes .java files, but I haven't
found it...

Thanks and apologies again!


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