Hello, all.

_Short version:_ is the TestNG build/run process broken in Netbeans when a Java Modular Project is in use?

_Long version:_

A project was imported into Netbeans 10 from Netbeans 8, and the version increased from JDK 8 to JDK 11. A module-info.java file was added into the "Source Packages" tree and configured so that no errors appear within the source code. But the "test" tree is full of errors because its being in a different directory tree, where the "test" directory is a sibling to "src" rather than a child directory, causes the modular visibility to be lost.

To avoid breaking my existing project by moving directories around, I created a new project using the Netbeans option "Java Modular Project", created a module, copied the source packages into the module's "classes" tree, and copied the test classes into the "tests" tree. With the dependencies configured, and the module-info.java file adjusted suitably, no errors show, and "Clean and Build Project" reports no errors.

But with this new modular project I cannot get any of my TestNG tests to execute. Right-clicking on a single test class and selecting "Test" or "Run" causes nothing to happen at all. And right-clicking on the master test suite XML file and selecting "Test" causes the following to appear on the console (paths contracted for easier reading):

/home/.../ProjectName/nbproject/build-impl.xml:1629: The following error occurred while executing this line: /home/.../ProjectName/nbproject/build-impl.xml:557: The following error occurred while executing this line: /home/.../ProjectName/nbproject/build-impl.xml:544: The following error occurred while executing this line: /home/.../ProjectName/nbproject/build-impl.xml:495: /home/.../ProjectName/build/test/classes does not exist.
BUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds)

Why the build process is referring to build/test/classes I don't know, because it looks like a Java modular project uses the path build/test/modules (at least that's what I see when I use the Files window to check the directory structure).

Is the build/run process for TestNG known to be broken in Netbeans where modular Java projects are involved, or am I doing something wrong in the creation and configuration of this modular project?



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