Hi all,

We've completed the NetCAT process (on the functioning of the convenience
binary of Apache NetBeans 10) and the PPMC vote (on the sources of Apache
NetBeans 10).

Right now, the IPMC (the incubator project management committee) is voting
on the sources of Apache NetBeans 10, since Apache NetBeans is in the
Apache Incubator. (We're going to be voting to get out of the Apache
Incubator very soon, with support from our mentors, since they're happy
with how we're working as a community and consider us to be ready to be a
top level Apache project.)

So, what's next? After we release Apache NetBeans 10, we'll start working
on the next release. Consensus on the dev mailing list has formed around
quarterly releases. In the NetCAT process, we found that there was quite
some time pressure to get things done and maybe we should take more time
and thereby be able to provide more quality.

As a result, here's a proposal to do two major releases next year, in line
with JDK 12 and 13 in March and September, with two optional minor releases
in between (e.g., a bug fix release could be great). Of course, Apache
NetBeans does not serve the Java community only, though those two months of
March and September are fairly spaced anyway and potentially could allow us
to provide bundles with those JDKs if and when that were to be possible.


There are several significant bugs that we need to nail down and resolve,
we can include them in the upcoming releases or distribute them via
plugins. We're I'm sure all very aware of several problems, as well as
features that need to be added -- we need everyone to be proactive in
pinning down bugs and in providing code contributions for missing features.

Comments welcome, and many thanks for all the hard and enthusiastic work
done so far.


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