I use Netbeans on Linux Mint, based on Ubuntu, and have never seen the problems you describe. I just use the default font that Netbeans comes with and don't even know what it is but it works for me.


On 12/10/18 12:21 AM, * William wrote:
Hi Gregor,

Thanks for your comment.  Bassed on my trails with different Fixed Width fonts -- It looks as if the issue is to do with Netbeans, not the fonts. The fonts work find in other applications -- Examples here are from VS Code:

  * https://itnext.io/11-best-programming-fonts-724283a9ed57

The screen shot I provided was using "Courier 10", which seems to famoulsy work (virtually) everywhere else.  And yet on two different lines in netbeans  the Display of the variable name both in column 41 appears to be as much as 10 x characters apart.  That's just ridiculous if you ask me.

So the question is really how can Netbeans be tweaked to display Fixed Width Fonts in columns matching the font widths.

Best wishes ...

On Fri, 7 Dec 2018 at 19:40, Gregor Kovač <kov...@gmail.com <mailto:kov...@gmail.com>> wrote:


    I'm using "Office Code Pro" size 12 for the editor and "Tahoma"
    size 12 for the default font (menus, ...).

    Best regards,

    V V pet., 7. dec. 2018 ob 07:11 je oseba * William
    <william.full.m...@gmail.com <mailto:william.full.m...@gmail.com>>

        Hello list ...

        Please refer to the screen shot below ... The comment on the
        right is the column number of the parent class/interface on
        that line.

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