I've been using NB for several years, in a Windows (now 10) environment. At
some point, perhaps back at version 8.0, it started exhibiting a freezing
problem. In the NB Community I learned that this is an often-reported issue
with many suggested causes, ranging from inability to locate import
libraries to use of dual monitors. None of these resonated with my
experience. Then a few days ago I discovered another possible cause. I
noticed it froze while Debugging at a breakpoint in my Java project. The log
file showed this:


INFO [null]: Last record repeated again.

SEVERE [global]

java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException: component must be showing on the
screen to determine its location






I assume the location it couldn't determine was a breakpoint which had
become an empty line due to edits. As usual, I had to use Windows Task
Manager to End the NB task and then reopen NB. I then removed (or disabled?)
all project breakpoints. For a while, I thought I'd finally resolved the
problem, but alas, it still does it once in a while. The log from the most
recent freeze ended like this:


INFO [org.netbeans.spi.project.support.ant.GlobFileBuiltQuery]: Found target

INFO [org.netbeans.spi.project.support.ant.GlobFileBuiltQuery]: isBuilt:
true from
ts\src\JCNAConcours\GetNewConcoursNameDialog.java@b9e57aac:39b89f24 ->

Unpaired license 00000008 without any module.

INFO [org.netbeans.modules.git.status]: GitInterceptor.refreshTask: Scanning
in progress, trying again in 10,000ms

INFO [null]: Last record repeated again.

INFO [null]: Last record repeated again.

INFO [null]: Last record repeated again.

INFO [null]: Last record repeated again.

INFO [null]: Last record repeated again.

INFO [null]: Last record repeated again.

INFO [null]: Last record repeated again.

INFO [null]: Last record repeated again.


There were no Exceptions in the log file. I don't know the significance of
these INFO messages, but clearly something's wrong.


So, with this background, let me ask a question. Since this freezing issue
seems to have survived several NB version changes, is there any hope it has
been resolved in NB 10 or the newest version, 11?


Thanks for any suggestions.


Ed Sowell




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