I installed NB 11.0 and worked on my project for a few hours today. So far, no 
freezing. That was encouraging, since when I last worked on the project with 
8.2 it would freeze every time I opened it.

Lar, I'm working from home connected to Spectrum/TWC. No proxy server as far as 
I know. However, my Windows setting  is the default auto-detection, which I 
assume means it would connect through any proxy server on the Spectrum side. 
Never heard of such a thing though.

-----Original Message-----
From: Lars Bruun-Hansen <lbruunhan...@gmail.com> 
Sent: Sunday, April 14, 2019 6:31 AM
To: Geertjan Wielenga <geert...@apache.org>
Cc: Ed Sowell <jag_man...@sbcglobal.net>; us...@netbeans.incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: NB 8.2 Freezing

Hi Ed,

In case of a freeze the most revealing information we can obtain is a Thread 

How to get a Thread Dump:

(assuming you are on Windows)

- Open a command window (cmd.exe) and start NetBeans IDE from the command 
window. (by executing "C:\Program Files\NetBeans 8.2\bin\netbeans64.exe"  .. or 
as appropriate for your version of NetBeans and your install directory). Now 
work as normal with the IDE, until the freeze happens.
- Press Ctrl-Break in the console window.
- There will now be a thread dump in the console window. Copy all of that text 
into a text file.
- Post here.

Unfortunately, while I know of several methods to obtain a Thread Dump from a 
running Java application this is the only one I know of which will actually 
work when a true freeze occurs. The method requires that you have a command 
window from where you can send the Ctrl-Break instruction. Hence, you need to 
start from a command prompt, not the Start Menu of Desktop shortcut.


On Fri, Apr 12, 2019 at 2:52 PM Geertjan Wielenga <geert...@apache.org> wrote:
> Just go to netbeans.apache.org, install the latest version, Apache NetBeans 
> 11.0, see if the problem can be reproduced, if so, create an issue, provide 
> step by step instructions for how to reproduce this exactly.
> Thanks,
> Gj
> On Fri, Apr 12, 2019 at 2:50 PM Ed Sowell <jag_man...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>> I’ve been using NB for several years, in a Windows (now 10) environment. At 
>> some point, perhaps back at version 8.0, it started exhibiting a freezing 
>> problem. In the NB Community I learned that this is an often-reported issue 
>> with many suggested causes, ranging from inability to locate import 
>> libraries to use of dual monitors. None of these resonated with my 
>> experience. Then a few days ago I discovered another possible cause. I 
>> noticed it froze while Debugging at a breakpoint in my Java project. The log 
>> file showed this:
>> INFO [null]: Last record repeated again.
>> SEVERE [global]
>> java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException: component must be showing on 
>> the screen to determine its location
>>                 at 
>> java.awt.Component.getLocationOnScreen_NoTreeLock(Component.java:2062
>> )
>>                 at 
>> java.awt.Component.getLocationOnScreen(Component.java:2036)
>>                 at 
>> javax.swing.text.JTextComponent$InputMethodRequestsHandler.getTextLoc
>> ation(JTextComponent.java:4643)
>>                 at 
>> sun.awt.im.InputMethodContext.getTextLocation(InputMethodContext.java
>> :278)
>> I assume the location it couldn’t determine was a breakpoint which had 
>> become an empty line due to edits. As usual, I had to use Windows Task 
>> Manager to End the NB task and then reopen NB. I then removed (or disabled?) 
>> all project breakpoints. For a while, I thought I’d finally resolved the 
>> problem, but alas, it still does it once in a while. The log from the most 
>> recent freeze ended like this:
>> INFO [org.netbeans.spi.project.support.ant.GlobFileBuiltQuery]: Found 
>> target for 
>> C:\Users\jag_m\Documents\NetBeansProjects\EditJudgeAssignments\src\JC
>> NAConcours\GetNewConcoursNameDialog.java: 
>> C:\Users\jag_m\Documents\NetBeansProjects\EditJudgeAssignments\build\
>> classes\JCNAConcours\GetNewConcoursNameDialog.class
>> INFO [org.netbeans.spi.project.support.ant.GlobFileBuiltQuery]: 
>> isBuilt: true from 
>> GFBQ.StatusImpl[C:\Users\jag_m\Documents\NetBeansProjects\EditJudgeAs
>> signments\src\JCNAConcours\GetNewConcoursNameDialog.java@b9e57aac:39b
>> 89f24 -> 
>> C:\Users\jag_m\Documents\NetBeansProjects\EditJudgeAssignments\build\
>> classes\JCNAConcours\GetNewConcoursNameDialog.class]
>> INFO 
>> [org.netbeans.modules.autoupdate.updateprovider.AutoupdateCatalogParser]: 
>> Unpaired license 00000008 without any module.
>> INFO [org.netbeans.modules.git.status]: GitInterceptor.refreshTask: 
>> Scanning in progress, trying again in 10,000ms
>> INFO [null]: Last record repeated again.
>> INFO [null]: Last record repeated again.
>> INFO [null]: Last record repeated again.
>> INFO [null]: Last record repeated again.
>> INFO [null]: Last record repeated again.
>> INFO [null]: Last record repeated again.
>> INFO [null]: Last record repeated again.
>> INFO [null]: Last record repeated again.
>> There were no Exceptions in the log file. I don’t know the significance of 
>> these INFO messages, but clearly something’s wrong.
>> So, with this background, let me ask a question. Since this freezing issue 
>> seems to have survived several NB version changes, is there any hope it has 
>> been resolved in NB 10 or the newest version, 11?
>> Thanks for any suggestions.
>> Ed Sowell

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