Sorry, this is no way to work together on this. Put an app with this
structure on GitHub or somewhere similar so that we can take a look
together, please.


On Mon, 15 Apr 2019 at 09:31, Fedd <> wrote:

> Thanks though it doesn't work very stable as it turned out...
> The goal is just to have a mavenized jar that can be referenced in other
> project's pom and make all javascript artifacts available to it. I made npm
> scripts that are run by maven so that I build all javascripts with the
> Netbeans build button, found examples on the net:
> package.json part:
>     "scripts": {
>         "bundle": "webpack"
>     },
> webpack conf part (I keep javascripts in a special folder between an empty
> "java" and a git-ignored "webapp" folders, the latter gets recreated upon
> every build):
>     entry: {
>         dela: './src/main/js/dela.js',
>         process: './src/main/js/process.js'
>     },
>     output: {
>         path: __dirname + '/src/main/webapp',
>         filename: '[name].js'
>     },
>    ...
>     plugins: [
>         new CleanWebpackPlugin(),
>         new CopyWebpackPlugin([
>             // some project specific artifacts to copy like styles and
> fonts
>         ])
>     ]
> pom.xml part (the only addition to the pom that was created by new project
> wizard):
>     <build>
>         <resources>
>             <resource>
>                 <!-- webapp is used as a webpack output directory because
> NetBeans
>                 activates NPM tooling when this direcotry is present, so
> why not?
>                 but now we have to copy this to the res directory in the
> jar's root -->
>                 <directory>src/main/webapp</directory>
>                 <targetPath>res</targetPath>
>             </resource>
>         </resources>
>         <plugins>
>             <plugin>
>                 <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
>                 <artifactId>exec-maven-plugin</artifactId>
>                 <version>1.6.0</version>
>                 <executions>
>                     <execution>
>                         <id>npm install (initialize)</id>
>                         <goals>
>                             <goal>exec</goal>
>                         </goals>
>                         <phase>initialize</phase>
>                         <configuration>
>                             <executable>npm</executable>
>                             <arguments>
>                                 <argument>install</argument>
>                             </arguments>
>                         </configuration>
>                     </execution>
>                     <execution>
>                         <id>npm install (clean)</id>
>                         <goals>
>                             <goal>exec</goal>
>                         </goals>
>                         <phase>pre-clean</phase>
>                         <configuration>
>                             <executable>npm</executable>
>                             <arguments>
>                                 <argument>install</argument>
>                             </arguments>
>                         </configuration>
>                     </execution>
>                     <execution>
>                         <id>npm config list (validate)</id>
>                         <goals>
>                             <goal>exec</goal>
>                         </goals>
>                         <phase>validate</phase>
>                         <configuration>
>                             <executable>npm</executable>
>                             <arguments>
>                                 <argument>config</argument>
>                                 <argument>list</argument>
>                             </arguments>
>                         </configuration>
>                     </execution>
>                     <execution>
>                         <id>npm run bundle (compile)</id>
>                         <goals>
>                             <goal>exec</goal>
>                         </goals>
>                         <phase>generate-resources</phase>
>                         <configuration>
>                             <executable>npm</executable>
>                             <arguments>
>                                 <argument>run</argument>
>                                 <argument>bundle</argument>
>                             </arguments>
>                         </configuration>
>                     </execution>
>                 </executions>
>             </plugin>
>         </plugins>
>     </build>
> On 15.04.2019 16:18, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:
> You may have found a (the) way to combine Java, Maven, JavaScript, and
> NPM. If so, that’s amazing.
> Gj
> On Mon, 15 Apr 2019 at 08:56, Fedd <> wrote:
>> Thanks, some Netbeans module has updated (I think it was called "Local
>> Tasks") and the package.json editor has retured.
>> There is nothing special in my project. To reproduce success scenario,
>> one may just create a new "Java with Maven / Java Application", in Files
>> window go to the src/main folder and create a new one called "webapp". Then
>> go to the Project Properties (right click the project root and then
>> "Properties") and see that in JavaScript Category there are three items,
>> "npm", "Bower" and some other. "npm" is what I was missing. Now it's there
>> again. Thank you the developers! =)
>> fedd
>> On 15.04.2019 15:02, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:
>> It is hard to know what your project looks like or contains. But however
>> you have opened it, you’ll see all its content in the Files window. If you
>> can put a project that looks like this (or ideally is) this project on
>> GitHub so that we can look at it, that will help.
>> Gj
>> On Mon, 15 Apr 2019 at 03:32, Fedd <> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I desperately need to have an ability to work with NPM libraries in a
>>> Maven non-webapp project, but NetBeans decides not to show the
>>> JavaScript libraries project property menu in order not to confuse me (?)
>>> Again, this is neither a HTML5/JavaScript project nor "Java with Maven /
>>> Web Application". It is "Java with Maven / Java Application" and I just
>>> want to edit my package.json with what we have for doing this in web
>>> projects.
>>> How do I activate the Javascript Libraries in the Java Maven Project
>>> properties window? I confirm that I thought well and I do need this.
>>> At first it looked like that the presence of webapp directory in
>>> "src/main" made Netbeans to show the desired submenu, but then it
>>> somehow stopped working, I have rolled back most of my changes, but
>>> NetBeans is still outsmarting me.
>>> Is there any magic configuration file entry?
>>> My SO question regarding this with pictures:
>>> Regards,
>>> Fyodor
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