This might help:

On 5/28/19 3:04 PM, Thomson, Duncan wrote:

I’m getting a really annoying prompt from Netbeans when I try to use Git with a remote repository:

“Enter password to unlock your login keyring”

The problem is I’m not using a login keyring.  For some reason (probably because I’m not using Gnome) the keyring is not working, and I don’t really need it, so I’d rather not try to debug it.  I don’t need it and don’t want it.  I don’t want NetBeans to store any passwords in any form – I’m happy to type in whatever is needed when it is needed.

If I cancel the prompt, which comes up about 6 times, I can proceed and connect to the git server normally using ssh and my stored ssh key, which I unlock with its passcode.  So I know NetBeans does not actually need this login keyring in order to proceed – it’s supposed to be a convenience to me – but I DON’T WANT IT.  Sigh.

How can I disable this prompt in NetBeans? I saw some old threads which indicated I could set in netbeans.conf, but this does not seem to have any effect.


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