Setup: Netbeans 11.1 + Oracle JDK 12.02 with project building with JDK 1.8.

I have a multi-module project and 2 of the modules show this 'warning'
about a system-scoped dependency not found but I don't include any specific
system scoped dependencies.

If I run the 'mvn dependency:tree -Dverbose'  command the only 'system'
dependency that is listed is:

[INFO] |  |  \- sun.jdk:rt.jar:jar:1.8:system

Yet in my Java Dependencies (shown by NetBeans), under the JDK 1.8 node,
rt.jar is listed (assuming that is the one it is needing).

Anyone else seen something like this or know how to resolve it?  Clicking
the "Resolve..." button doesn't seem to do anything obvious.


[image: image.png]

[image: image.png]

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