Im running Netbeans 11.1 on Linux with Maven projects. I have downloaded the sources and javadoc for my dependencies (for example jetty-server-10.0.0-alpha0) and ensured that they are stored with the right name. But I'm unable to view the JavaDocs of most constructors and methods from my dependencies, with the error message "Javadoc not found". Additionally I can't go to the declarations. Netbeans opens the source file, but can't go to the declaration for some reason ("The destination was not found, source opened at default position"), even so the Navigator is able to show all methods.

This always happens if one maven dependency makes use of another dependency/library. For example: - org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server(int port) is fine. (Javadoc will be displayed and Go to is working) - org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server(ThreadPool pool) fails. (ThreadPool is a class from another library/module)

Some way to fix this, or is this a known issue?

Tobias Oelgarte

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