NetBeans under Apache cannot include JavaHelp, that's why you don't
see your helpsets:

I think it should be easy to recompile-in JavaHelp. I kept meaning to
do this for CoolBeans ( ) but haven't gotten to


On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 2:51 AM Daniel Hartman
<> wrote:
> All,
> I am porting my NB 8.2 platform application to 11.1, and I am struggling to 
> get my helpsets displayed. That is, nothing happens when, for example, a 
> wizard's help button within my platform application is clicked.  Everything 
> worked great in NB 8.2.
> I therefore created an empty platform application in NB 11.1 and added a 
> TopComponent, which contains a button that programmatically opens a helpset.  
> I also created a default Help Set in the TopComponent module by following the 
> guidelines here:
> Finally, I added JavaHelp as library to my application and set it as a 
> dependency for my TopComponent module.
> Everything compiles and builds fine, but nothing happens when I click the 
> button.
> What am I missing?
> Thank you in advance for any help.
> Dan

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