I've been using NetBeans 11.1 for about a week now. Smooth sailing with all
my Java projects I started on NetBeans 8.2.

For several months I've been aware of Geertjan Wielenga's 2013 tutorial for
installing Scala for NetBeans 7.3.1. But when I only had one computer for
programming, I was reluctant to even touch the NetBeans configuration file.
So I wrote Scala in Notepad and compiled it on the command line.

Then I got a MacBook and installed NetBeans and IntelliJ on it, I've been
using IntelliJ for most of my Scala programming. Now I figured I should
give the Scala for NetBeans plugin a try on my MacBook.

I followed Geertjan's tutorial up to Step 4, at which point I just couldn't
find the Scala plugin from within NetBeans 8.2. Then I upgraded to 11.1 and
couldn't find the plugin either. Then I found the plugin through a Web
browser, the page said it was verified for 8.1. I downloaded it and then
just didn't know what to do with it.

Is the Scala plugin for Apache NetBeans in active development, or is it on
the back-burner, or has it been dropped?


Alonso del Arte
Author at SmashWords.com
Musician at ReverbNation.com <http://www.reverbnation.com/alonsodelarte>

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