Hey everyone,
I'm just getting my feet wet with web-based application development (but
decades of Java dev experience using NB) and, up to this point, have been
using NB mainly as an editor for my first React app.

The react application is working fine - with a standard react app directory


My simple development cycle has been to start the app via 'npm start' and,
as I update the files in src/ using Netbeans (via "Favorites" window), npm
server picks up the changes and reloads the browser with my app.

Debugging's basically been done by adding console.log messages :-(  I would
love to debug from within the IDE instead.  Is that even feasible or must I
rely on the browser-based debuggers?

Is there a way I can create a NB project of the appropriate type from
"existing" source?  If so, which project template should I use?  Someone
suggested using "Node.js Application with Existing Source", but what do I
specify for "Source Folder"?  I tried both "app" and "src", but NB doesn't
like either.  When I click "Finish", NB just shows some warning msg for a
split second (too short to read) and stays on that screen.

Clicking "Help" on this screen does nothing except produce a thud sound :-(

I'm on NB 11.0 on a Mac (macOS 10.14.6)  w. Java 11.03.  NB's working fine
for my Java-based projects.

Any help/steps would be much appreciated.


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