If you can point to this or a similar source structure on GitHub, I’ll make
a YouTube clip showing how to set it up in Apache NetBeans.


On Fri, 4 Oct 2019 at 22:12, Thomas Wolf <tjw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey everyone,
> I'm just getting my feet wet with web-based application development (but
> decades of Java dev experience using NB) and, up to this point, have been
> using NB mainly as an editor for my first React app.
> The react application is working fine - with a standard react app
> directory structure:
> app/
>      build/
>      node_modules/
>      public/
>      src/
>      package.json
> My simple development cycle has been to start the app via 'npm start' and,
> as I update the files in src/ using Netbeans (via "Favorites" window), npm
> server picks up the changes and reloads the browser with my app.
> Debugging's basically been done by adding console.log messages :-(  I
> would love to debug from within the IDE instead.  Is that even feasible or
> must I rely on the browser-based debuggers?
> Is there a way I can create a NB project of the appropriate type from
> "existing" source?  If so, which project template should I use?  Someone
> suggested using "Node.js Application with Existing Source", but what do I
> specify for "Source Folder"?  I tried both "app" and "src", but NB doesn't
> like either.  When I click "Finish", NB just shows some warning msg for a
> split second (too short to read) and stays on that screen.
> Clicking "Help" on this screen does nothing except produce a thud sound :-(
> I'm on NB 11.0 on a Mac (macOS 10.14.6)  w. Java 11.03.  NB's working fine
> for my Java-based projects.
> Any help/steps would be much appreciated.
> Tom
> --
> tjw...@gmail.com
> http://landofwolf.blogspot.com/

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