OK, I see C:\\Program Files\\NetBeans-11.1 in there, but I don't think
anyone has tried or verified that with Raspberry Pi, what would be the
procedure to try that out?


On Sun, Oct 13, 2019 at 10:54 PM Geertjan Wielenga <geert...@apache.org>

> What version of the JDK are you using? Which operating system, which
> version of NetBeans? Which steps did you follow, what must we do to
> reproduce the problem?
> Gj
> On Sun, Oct 13, 2019 at 10:53 PM Lou <lk...@knob.com> wrote:
>> I could use some help here. I'm new to NetBeans and don't have a clue
>> where to start.
>> Lou
>> On 10/8/2019 10:13 PM, Lou wrote:
>> When trying to add a remote embedded java platform on a Raspberry pi I
>> get an error when I click <Finish>
>> Looking at the Raspberry file structure it looks like the jre gets
>> properly installed, however the last step fails.
>> The following output seems to indicate that the problem is "error while
>> loading shared libraries: libjli.so:" which I do not see in the raspberry
>> /lib/ directory.   How do I fix this? With the error the IDE does not know
>> about the remote platform and I can't move on.   I see libjli.so in the IDE
>> under <Tools> -> <Libraries>
>> {Output}
>> ant -f
>> C:\\Users\\Lou\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\antScript6991162096244334839.xml
>> -Dremote.working.dir=/home/pi/NetBeansProjects/ -Dremote.password=*****
>> -Dremote.username=pi -Dremote.port=22 "-Dprobe.file=C:\\Program
>> Files\\NetBeans-11.1\\netbeans\\java\\modules\\ext\\org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seembedded-probe.jar"
>> -Dremote.host= -Dremote.platform.home=/home/pi/jre/
>> -Dplatform.properties.file=C:\\Users\\Lou\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\platform769343619457372633.properties
>> connect-ssh-password
>> connect-ssh-password:
>> Connecting to
>> cmd : mkdir -p '/home/pi/NetBeansProjects/'
>> Connecting to
>> done.
>> Connecting to
>> cmd : cd '/home/pi/NetBeansProjects/'; '/home/pi/jre//bin/java' -jar
>> org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seembedded-probe.jar platform.properties
>> /home/pi/jre//bin/java: error while loading shared libraries: libjli.so:
>> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
>> C:\Users\Lou\AppData\Local\Temp\antScript6991162096244334839.xml:44:
>> Remote command failed with exit status 127
>> BUILD FAILED (total time: 10 seconds)
>> {Raspberry pi file structure}
>> pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ls
>> Desktop    Downloads  MagPi    Music             Pictures  Templates
>> Documents  jre        mu_code  NetBeansProjects  Public    Videos
>> pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ls NetBeansProjects
>> org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seembedded-probe.jar
>> <-------------------------
>> pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ls jre
>> bin  bom  COPYRIGHT  lib  release  THIRDPARTYLICENSEREADME.txt
>> pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ls jre/bin
>> java  keytool  rmid  rmiregistry
>> pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ls jre/lib        <-----------------------------
>> arm                                jvm.hprof.txt
>> calendars.properties               logging.properties
>> charsets.jar                       management
>> classlist                          management-agent.jar
>> content-types.properties           meta-index
>> currency.data                      net.properties
>> ext                                resources.jar
>> gcf.jar                            rt.jar
>> hijrah-config-umalqura.properties  security
>> jce.jar                            tzdb.dat
>> jsse.jar
>> pi@raspberrypi:~ $
>> --
>> Lou

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