Is there an option for Netbeans to auto-save your work every (say) 5 minutes so that if Windows reboots (for example after an update) and you have forgotten to formally save work to date, there is a place to go (e.g. specified folder) that will have the version of source just before (or near enough if set the snapshot to be taken every minute) the application was closed / killed?


My previous development environment had this option which made you lazy but MS Office also has something similar. While it may not save every last word, it is a useful background task that minimises the effect of any external activities.


I ask, as have just lost ½ hours typing due to performing a Windows Update that required a restart and I forgot to first check that I had explicitly saved all my changes in Netbeans (force of habit based on old development environment).


I googled to see if there was an obvious answer and had a look at the Editor Options in Netbeans but couldn’t see any support for this.


Thanks (for the next time it happens)!




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