

Thanks for trying that.


However, looking at some of the user comments on the plug-in page, one of them states “is that it simply executes the Save All action at regular intervals”. Your experience below seems to back this up.


This wasn’t really what I was after as that affects the main source files and I might want to throw the changes away. The version I was used to, used a different, user specified folder to snapshot all the open source files into and refreshed the contents every ‘x’ seconds. Once a file was saved in the IDE, the snapshot was deleted to avoid cluttering up the folder.


That way, it didn’t interfere with the normal operation of the IDE, but sits in the background for the rare time it may be needed.


Perhaps, once I have learnt enough Java and have time to build Netbeans from scratch and learn about writing your own plug-ins, I might have a go at providing one!




From: Paul "TheSlimDude" Morris
Sent: 10 December 2019 20:34
Subject: Re: Auto-backup of unsaved source files


So this one works. No delay at all, though. As soon as you type, it saves. There does not seem to be any configuration for it. With saving that frequently it may introduce some problems of it's own. I'm not sure I like it. But at least it works. Tested in 11.1.





On 2019-12-10 15:13, Oliver Rettig wrote:

I have just found an other one:

I just installed it in 11.1. No objections from the IDE but I have it turned on in Options/Miscellaneous and a file I have open and edited is not being auto-saved. Based on this, I'd say it does not appear to work. :(





On 2019-12-10 12:26, John Barrow wrote:



Thanks, that plug in appears to describe exactly what I was after, just one minor issue, I am running Netbeans 10.0, shortly to upgrade to version 11. There doesn't appear to be a version to support these instances of NetBeans.


However, I have bookmarked the page and will keep an eye on when that version becomes available unless there is another AutoSave plug-in that is more up-to-date.




From: Paul "TheSlimDude" Morris
Sent: 10 December 2019 16:42
Subject: Re: Auto-backup of unsaved source files


You mean this on ehere?





On 2019-12-10 11:39, Oliver Rettig wrote:


I remember there was a Autosave-Plugin but I can not find it any more. Any body else remembering on such plugin?

best regards




Thanks for the suggestion. I tried this option (as was hinted during a Google search) before emailing but there wasn't anything in the list. I assume that this is because it was a new file and I hadn't saved it yet.


I ideally wanted something that did an auto-snapshot every x minutes (user specified) somewhere external to the main source folder, specifically for the case where I hadn't yet saved my current set of changes so I then had the option to retrieve these latest 'in progress' edits, or start back with the last version that was saved in Netbeans.


The way I read it, the "Local History" allows you to see all the previous saved snapshots of your source (a bit like you get for each committed change to a source control system).




From: Emilian Bold
Sent: 10 December 2019 15:36
John Barrow
NetBeans Mailing
Subject: Re: Auto-backup of unsaved source files


See Local History.



mar., 10 dec. 2019, 16:58 John Barrow <> a scris:

Is there an option for Netbeans to auto-save your work every (say) 5 minutes so that if Windows reboots (for example after an update) and you have forgotten to formally save work to date, there is a place to go (e.g. specified folder) that will have the version of source just before (or near enough if set the snapshot to be taken every minute) the application was closed / killed?


My previous development environment had this option which made you lazy but MS Office also has something similar. While it may not save every last word, it is a useful background task that minimises the effect of any external activities.


I ask, as have just lost ½ hours typing due to performing a Windows Update that required a restart and I forgot to first check that I had explicitly saved all my changes in Netbeans (force of habit based on old development environment).


I googled to see if there was an obvious answer and had a look at the Editor Options in Netbeans but couldn't see any support for this.


Thanks (for the next time it happens)!




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