I need to pass some custom argument when running a main class in a Gradle
Project on Apache Netbeans 11.

Right-clicking on the main class and then Run File, this is what I have in
the output:

cd D:\DEVELOPMENT\EMM-Check; ./gradlew --configure-on-demand
-PrunClassName=ec.gui.main.Main -x check runSingle

If I right click on Project, Properties, Build Actions and choose
under Configure
Action the run.single one, I have an argument list I can modify (runSingle
is there, so I presume this is the one I'm looking for), but nothing will
be then taken in account at the running time


Moreover, if I click Ok and close the dialog, whenever I reopen, I find
run.single renamed to simply run without any argument (before I had at
least -PrunClassName=${selectedClass} runSingle)


Has anyone ever made to pass a locally-defined argument in a Gradle project
on Netbeans?

Thanks in advance,


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