AFAIK There was a bug prevented storing actions with dot in their name in NetBeans 11, that shall be fixed in 11.2 It is sure to be fixed in 11.3beta1

The thing you are looking for is -PrunArgs="your app arguments"

On 1/30/20 6:32 AM, Giuseppe Barbieri wrote:

I need to pass some custom argument when running a main class in a Gradle Project on Apache Netbeans 11.

Right-clicking on the main class and then |Run File|, this is what I have in the output:

    cd D:\DEVELOPMENT\EMM-Check; ./gradlew --configure-on-demand
    -PrunClassName=ec.gui.main.Main -x check runSingle

If I right click on Project, |Properties|, |Build Actions| and choose under |Configure Action| the |run.single| one, I have an argument list I can modify (|runSingle| is there, so I presume this is the one I'm looking for), but nothing will be then taken in account at the running time

Moreover, if I click |Ok| and close the dialog, whenever I reopen, I find |run.single| renamed to simply |run| without any argument (before I had at least |-PrunClassName=${selectedClass} runSingle|)

Has anyone ever made to pass a locally-defined argument in a Gradle project on Netbeans?

Thanks in advance,


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