Paul, many of us "feel your pain" with what Oracle did to JavaFX.  But all
is not lost.  Take a look here:

Scroll down to the JavaFX section and click on the first item.  You will
see how completely easy it is to develop JavaFX with Netbeans and Maven.
Of course, deployment is a different story but Gluon has some good
information about how to install JavaFX.  Once installed, it's installed --
until you want to upgrade to the next release and then it is also quite
simple.  The main difference is defining the module path.

It's a terrible shame all the big players have decided a browser is a "good
enough" interface for users.  For those of us old enough to remember how
efficient a character interface was to get work done a browser will just
never be adequate.  But, as you know, we can get pretty close to that
efficiency with either Swing or JavaFX.

On Mon, Mar 9, 2020 at 8:16 AM Paul Szudzik <> wrote:

>     I have been a NetBeans user since inception.  I am retired now, but
> when I worked, I was one of the few people in my company that was an
> advocate of NetBeans, and used it instead of the company line, Eclipse
> product.
>     Retired now for 10+ years, I used NetBeans to develop my products, and
> really getting involved in JavaFX big time. I love the cross platform
> capability, and use it on both Ubuntu and Windows.  Raspberry Pi, no
> problem.  Windows, no problem.  I loved it. Then boom, Oracle takes JavaFX
> out of the mix, and NetBeans and I start having major problems. It gets
> harder and harder to use NetBeans with it’s incompatibility with JavaFX
> without going through hoops every single time we upgrade.  I have a ton of
> projects that are a major pain to go back to without having to dance on a
> high wire to get to work.  And I am still not sure I can do this anymore.
>     I have been a computer programmer, designer and architect for well
> over 53+ years.  I have see many systems come and go, many IDE rise and
> fall, many languages surface and crash.  The move to Maven is beyond my
> scope now.  I want to program, not to have to regenerate and rehash my
> build system every release.  I have tried to move over to 11, and mostly
> failed.  I have too many modules and programs in play to hack this out.
>     It would have been great if NetBeans had a seamless transition , built
> in conversions for old projects to current format.  Seriously, I would love
> to be on that train.  But nope, it seems too much handholding and dancing.
> I currently have a half dozen active Beta’s  that are stuck in a NetBeans
> 8.1.x / Java 8 scenario, that I want to port into NetBeans 11.3 / Java 13+
> area, but really don’t believe that it is 1: Easy, 2: Lasting, 3: Enduring
> more than another release.
>     I still have reported bugs > 5 years old that are not resolved.
>     I see streams of notes that are asking questions about compatibility.
> ( The latest straw is the Ant image ... )  I see how once the major players
> in NetBeans get on a wagon, the trail off is almost impossible.  If you’re
> new to NetBeans, perhaps this is a good trend.  If you have dealt with
> NetBeans as long as I have.. it becomes more than just an annoyance.  It
> almost easier to find another IDE to settle in on, as the amount of work to
> transfer 100+ projects, probably more, from old NetBeans to new NetBeans is
> formidable.
>     Maybe a 3rd party can produce a product that 100% transfer old
> projects to Maven..  I’d rather develop and code than mess around with
> trying to make things move up the NetBeans chain anymore..  Coding is fun,
> transitioning is not. I am 100% committed to JavaFX, I like the layouts, I
> like what Gluon has done, I like the look and feel.
>     NetBeans 8 –> NetBeans 11+ –> convert ...
>     I would normally apologize for my rant, but nope. I feel that I am now
> progressing backwards...

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