The application is a modules suite where some modules use JavaFX code. The
application was running fine with Java 1.8 that includes JavaFX. But now I
have installed Open JDK 14 and Open JavaFX 14.
To solve JavFX dependencies, I have created a library wrapper module that
includes JavaFX 14 jar files. Building the application works well but when
I run the application I got an error message:
Graphics Device initialization failed for :  d3d, sw
Error initializing QuantumRenderer: no suitable pipeline found
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error initializing
QuantumRenderer: no suitable pipeline found

I am not sure this is the right way to include JavaFX 14 in a module suite
application ?

Any idea why I get this error message at run time ?

Thank you in advance for any advice on these issues.
Best wishes,

Jean-Claude Dauphin



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