More info above.


On Mon, 23 Mar 2020 at 17:51, Geertjan Wielenga <> wrote:

> Indeed, a must have only if NetBeans is running on JDK 8. Ultimately we
> want to need nb-javac increasingly less for later JDKs and if you can do
> without it, that would be great. Doesn’t exist yet, indeed, for 12.0 anyway.
> Gj
> On Mon, 23 Mar 2020 at 17:28, Mark Eggers <>
> wrote:
>> Folks,
>> I'm currently working with NetBeans 12 beta 1 running on Windows 10
>> Professional and OpenJDK 11.-0.6. First of all, hats off to everyone who
>> contributed to this. It's running fine for all of my projects
>> (maven-based web and command line projects).
>> I do have the notification showing 'Install nb-javac'. I've seen several
>> threads in both the developers' list and users' list saying to not
>> install nb-javac. I've also seen messages saying that if you run into
>> problems with nb-javac, disabling it is not enough. It must be
>> uninstalled.
>> Is there a definitive list of the benefits that nb-javac brings, and
>> when you should not install nb-javac?
>> Considering this is also a beta, is the corresponding nb-javac even
>> available?
>> I'm running NetBeans 11.1 as well with nb-javac installed with no
>> issues. However, NetBeans 12 fixes several issues (JavaScript CDN,
>> Tomcat 7.0.103 launching) that are important in my environment.
>> Thanks for any insight.
>> .. . . just my two cents.
>> /mde/

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