Hi Francis,

It's easy to use MySQL 8.0.19 with NetBeans.

1. In the tab Services, open the entry Databases > Drivers. If you don't already have an entry for MySQL, create a new one.

If you create a new one, a new window is opened. Add the path to the jar for the MySQL driver (path to mysql-connector-java-8.0.19.jar). For the driver class, enter com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver. Give any name for the Name.

If you already have an entry for MySQL, clic on Customize to check the information.

2. Right click on the driver and choose "Connect Using...". A "New Connection Wizard" window is displayed. In the Database field, enter jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/customer?useTimezone=true&serverTimezone=UTC (change the serverTimeZone if you want).

Enter the password and Test Connection.

Click Finish.

Perhaps there is another way to use MySQL into NetBeans, but the way I just described above worked for me.



Le 19/04/2020 à 14:20, Dr Francis Greaves a écrit :
Dear All
I thought I would move from Oracle Netbeans 8.2 to the Apache 11.3 version of Netbeans, only to come unstuck at the absence of a MySQL Plugin. I know there is a Database connection in the Services, but I cannot get that to connect.
Is there an alternative?
Looks Like I will stick with the 8.2 Netbeans for now.

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