There is indeed a Preferences, but, as I pointed out to you above, that is
on the Mac.


On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 4:52 PM slipbits <> wrote:

> Thanks Gj;
> You are right that learning JavaFX is the goal and using gradle is not.
> And in the interest of expediency you are again correct to ignore gradle.
> But this is a 'learning experience', and learning gradle is probably part
> of it.
> However, giving the devil his due, I will probably do just as you suggest:
> forget gradle and learn JavaFX, probably by using a different book.
> As to 'Preferences'. I (finally) found a Gradle and JavaFX setting. It is
> at Tools->Options->Java. There is no 'Preference' but there seems to be
> everything else. The mystery is solved.
> Thanks to all
> art
> On 6/25/2020 11:28 PM, Geertjan Wielenga wrote:
> On Mac, go to NetBeans | Preferences, on Windows to Tools | Options.
> All this that you’re doing with Gradle is completely unnecessary since
> what you’re doing is learning JavaFX, for which there are two Maven
> archetypes that run out of the box without you needing to tweak anything.
> Gj
> On Fri, 26 Jun 2020 at 08:25, slipbits <> wrote:
>> That's the problem. Tools->Options->anything doesn't seem to have a
>> 'Preferences', or I've missed it. Run->Set Project Configuration->Customize
>> is similarly bereft of 'Preferences'. I've looked at some of the other menu
>> items and, well, I just can't seem to find the fool thing.
>> There is a Tools->Libraries and Tools->Java Platforms which have
>> possibilities, but I'm sure that I'm not sure what to do with them.
>> I should have told you all this stuff before.
>> Sigh. We have different versions of NB. (Since it's late at night) This
>> is where we can start the NB wars. The "nah, nah, nah nahnah, my NB's
>> better than your NB. On the other hand, your NB works!
>> I did get the environment variable set correctly, and I did change PATH
>> correctly. So now a command line "> gradle -v" works. And here a side note.
>> I use the cygwin shell exclusively, so, as needed, I set up aliases, paths
>> and whatever else I need. NB uses windows. So I'm always doing some kind of
>> translation to figure out where I am and what I've got.
>> art
>> On 6/25/2020 5:35 PM, Scott Palmer wrote:
>> Programming involves typing. Get used to it.
>> Even though I use the IDE for writing the code, I often build from the
>> command line.
>> Learning to set JAVA_HOME is Java programming 101.  I have a small
>> script/alias to set it to whatever version of Java I need to use in the
>> moment.
>> Things should start going much smoother once you have you dev environment
>> properly set up. However NB will set JAVA_HOME on your behalf based on your
>> project settings when running Gradle builds.
>> In Windows I believe the NetBeans settings are buried in the tools menu
>> as Options or something. I’ve been meaning to write a overview of how I
>> think the menus need an overhaul in NB. On a Mac the preferences are where
>> they are supposed to be, so I forget that for Windows users they are well
>> hidden.
>> You’ll have to dig a bit to find the Gradle settings once you’re there:
>> click Java on the top and then go to the Gradle tab where you can set a
>> custom Gradle path and choose to use the wrapper if there is one.
>> Send the full output of the build attempt and we should be able to get
>> this sorted out.
>> Scott
>> On Jun 25, 2020, at 6:44 PM, slipbits <>
>> <> wrote:
>> I know this is going to sound tacky,, but I have an IDE. Two of them in
>> fact. Why would I try to do all this work by hand? Sigh.
>> I'm getting their but gradle says that JAVA_HOME is not set correctly. I
>> just can't stand the fun.
>> Where is "preferences"? I've looked all over the blasted IDE, and I even
>> looked at my NB 8.2 IDE and can't find it (except in NB 8.2 makefile). Now
>> I know it's somewhere. ... Nope. I lost it again.
>> art
>> On 6/25/2020 3:18 PM, Scott Palmer wrote:
>> Set the path to Gradle in the NetBeans preferences/options.
>> If you are using the Gradle wrapper then Gradle will use the version
>> specified by the project which it will download and cache in the .gradle
>> folder of your home directory.
>> Have you tried building the project from the command line?
>> Scott
>> On Jun 25, 2020, at 5:15 PM, slipbits <>
>> <> wrote:
>> Win 7-64 & cygwin
>> Tried it on NB 12. Failed.
>> The build message says "Could not run build action using
>> .gradle/.../gradle-6.3".
>> I have JavaFX installed @ /Program File/JavaFX /javafx-sdk-14.0.1
>> (openJFX)
>> I have java installed @ /Program File/Java/jdk-14.0.1
>>                 (oracle)
>> I have Gradle installed @ /ProgramFile/Gradle/gradle-6.5               (
>> However, I don't have any way to tell NB 12 that I have installed JavaFX
>> or Gradle. So, NB and OpenBeans installed something (let's call it Gradle)
>> @ /../AppData/Local/NetBeans/Cache/12.0/gradle and
>> /../AppData/Local/OpenBeans/Cache/2019.12/gradle and at
>> /c/user/.../.gradle. None of this appears to be gradle.
>> That's everything I know. I did try to follow the instructions and did
>> modify the build.gradle file. The modified file is:
>> apply plugin: 'java'
>> apply plugin: 'jacoco'
>> apply plugin: 'application'
>> mainClassName = 'HelloWorld.Main'
>> repositories {
>>     jcenter()
>> }
>> dependencies {
>>     testImplementation     'junit:junit:4.13'
>> }
>> plugins {
>>   id 'application'
>>   id 'org.openjfx.javafxplugin' version '0.0.8'
>> }
>> javafx {
>>     version = "14"
>>     modules = [ 'javafx.controls' ]
>> }
>> I tried several versions of adding an "apply plugin:" for JavaFX without
>> success. Don't know what else to do.
>> thanks
>> art
>> On 6/25/2020 9:53 AM, Scott Palmer wrote:
>> On Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 5:27 PM slipbits <> wrote:
>>> Under Java with Maven I see "FXML JavaFX Maven Archetype (Gluon)" and
>>> "Simple JavaFX Maven Archteype (Gluon)". I suspect one of these should be
>>> chosen. The book I'm reading, JavaFX 8 by Example, recommends Java with
>>> Gradle. Any idea when that will be ready?
>> Java with Gradle works now.  Make a new Gradle project, then edit
>> build.gradle to include the javafx plugin as per the Gradle examples on
>> Regards,
>> Scott

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