Please test with different JDK-s. As far as I know NetBeans only does a JDK call to retrieve the fonts installed in the system. It is definitely working on Linux.

On 6/30/20 7:09 AM, John Brice wrote:
Hello all,
NetBeans 12.0 on Zulu JDK 11.0.7 and Windows 10 1909

After adding new fonts (Office Code Pro, IBM Plex Mono), they are not available for selection in Tools > Options > Fonts & Colors.

I've installed both OTF and TTF versions of the fonts, I've deleted both the cache dir and the user dir, and I've reset the Windows 10 font cache - still the fonts won't appear in the list. There is nothing relevant in the IDE log.

Hack is available, but that may be either because I had it installed before NetBeans or because I imported a colour scheme from 11.3 which used Hack.

There is another report at so it's not just me.

Has anyone else seen similar or can suggest a fix?

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