Just do a:

mkdir $HOME/snap/netbeans/common/data/12.0/etc
cp /snap/netbeans/current/netbeans/etc/netbeans.conf $HOME/snap/netbeans/common/data/12.0/etc/

You would be able to customize the NetBeans config at: $HOME/snap/netbeans/common/data/12.0/etc/netbeans.conf

On 9/6/20 10:38 PM, Klerman wrote:
I recently changed to this Dell XPS 13 which has a high resolution monitor and Ubuntu 20.04.
My settings are 3840X2160, 300%.
I installed NetBeans 12.0 and to my surprise, it's practically unusable in this machine, as it's unable to adapt itself to these scales and the resolutions. I Googled for a solution, and the two I found all recommend to edit the netbeans.conf file.
Using the locate command, I found two of these files in this system:
The file in the snap folder is readonly, and I can't find the way to make it writable. The chmod command leaves it untouched.
The file in the home folder seems not to have any effect on NetBeans.
Could anyone please point me to the solution of this problem ?.
Many thanks in advance,


Klerman Gutierrez.
Cel. / Mov.: +58 414 5320193
www.facebook.com/klerman <http://www.facebook.com/klerman>

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