To whom it may concern:

Running Apache NetBeans 12.3 in my GraphicsCore project folder, I did a
and build on the project, and then ran its test.GraphicsTest program
directly in
NetBeans. It ran with no errors.

But then I executed the following commands:

  $ cd dist

  $ ls
  GraphicsCore.jar  lib  README.TXT

  $ java -jar GraphicsCore.jar
  Error: JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are required to run
this application

Although there was an error, the following commands show the JavaFX
libraries are
present and properly referenced in GraphicsCore.jar.

  $ ls lib
  javafx.base.jar      javafx.fxml.jar  javafx-swt.jar
  javafx.controls.jar  javafx.swing.jar  javafx.web.jar

  $ unzip -c GraphicsCore.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
  Archive:  GraphicsCore.jar
   extracting: META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
  Manifest-Version: 1.0
  Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.10.4
  Created-By: 13.0.1+10-MTS (Azul Systems, Inc.)
  Class-Path: lib/javafx.base.jar lib/javafx.controls.jar lib/javafx.fxm
   l.jar lib/ lib/ lib/javafx.swing.j
   ar lib/javafx.web.jar lib/javafx-swt.jar
  Main-Class: test.GraphicsTest

So why the error in the java -jar command when there are no problems running
directly in NetBeans?

Here is the Java platform on which I ran the above commands.

  $ java --version
  openjdk 13.0.1 2019-10-15
  OpenJDK Runtime Environment Zulu13.28+11-CA (build 13.0.1+10-MTS)
  OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Zulu13.28+11-CA (build 13.0.1+10-MTS, mixed
mode, sharing)

I was using the Gluon JavaFX 15 runtime, JavaFX Linux SDK downloaded from

For system information, I ran the following linux commands on a System76
Pro Laptop, version darp6.

  $ uname --machine

  $ uname --operating-system

  $ uname --kernel-name

  $ uname --kernel-release

  $ uname --kernel-version
  #52~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Sep 10 12:50:22 UTC 2020

Gary Shute

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